I clicked what I THOUGHT was an innocent Comicpress update, but apparently it was a full conversion to Comic Easel and now a lot of the site is completely BORKED. So things my be rough for a bit but hopefully the comics themselves won’t be affected.
Known issues: the comments and blogs are pitch black, and none of my widgets are showing up. Not sure when it will be fully functional again, will try to keep the disruption minimal.
EDIT: got some of the issues fixed, will continue working on it. Mostly fussing with the layout now. If anyone sees blatantly broken/missing features, let me know.
For the hospital panel I thought, "It's a single splash panel, I'll work it out quick and fast then worry about the rest of the strip." Quick and Fast turned out to be a majority of the production time. XD
Honestly thought you were just testing new site designs, not that anything was broken.
Looks okay through this Nook Color; the links are missing. Why do these updates mess with one’s own ideas and ability to handle things?
Whoever coined the phrase “the innocence of children” probably never spent that much time with them. Yes, most of them are saints 90% of the time, but I’ve seen them indulge in spiteful and vindictive behavior that even egotist adults won’t stoop to.
My dislike of ego-centric brats like Giselle is matched by my shame that I was just as bad myself when I was that young. It had nothing to do with my parents; it just came naturally. The inherent meanness of some kids (myself included) just baffles me.
antidragon, i know of a world famous author who heard alot of people talking about the innocence of children way way back… and how if children ruled the world it would be a eutopia… you know what he said/did?? he wrote “Lord of the Flies.”
Children ARE innocent. They don’t realize that their actions are terrible or good, they just do things. No concept of later or consequences, or really even right and wrong. Just an innocent, I like her, I will give her a flower. She looks funny, I’ll push her.
I could wax philosophical on this, but I’ll settle for just answering your question.
Well, I kinda like the color scheme. Just sad that it came at the expense of most of the working segments of the site. Hope the restoration goes smoothly.
Re: Comic: Yeah, some hospitals are palaces to money and/or ego, Selkie. Hopefully this isn’t one of those.
And you know the real victim in all this is actually Heather. She gets a spine and tells one of the false “friends” off, and is taken in by another group that is using her in a different way.
The real victim is Kiesha. You can’t be a friend to two people that hate each other. She will have to chose.
Why must we name a victim, or a villain? I this is a well told story, and here, as in life, I see the ripples of ’cause and effect’ spreading out.
Each of us faces each situation, and each of us chooses. Our choices weave into the threads of the story untill it cannot be said where it started, only where it changed.
Said the spider to the fly.
… I’m not sure how I should feel about that comment. For now I’m settling with ‘perplexed’. :-
I read “threads” and “weave” and went weird places I guess. XD
It is not entirely inappropriate, it depends on who is reading it.
My comment works just as well with a nihilist spin (nothing maters, we act, but we all fade in the end) as with a wholistic perspective, which is how I intended it (everything affects everything else).
@Gryph: I totally agree. That there’s something to villainize with everything that’s perceived as ‘bad’ makes it so hard to talk about situations neutrally with people >.< My family is especially bad with it…
site change related: I wouldn't have noticed something was weird if the colour stripes in the splash bar under 'selkie' matched the new background colour… I'm so unobservant XD
Oh by now I’ve tweaked a lot of it back to workability. Still need to get the Director Commentary back, but earlier it was missing colors and the ads were flying all over the place. O_o
hey dave, the ads on my browser (Chrome) for the other comics pushed the actual Selkie comic a bit down the page, what i mean is.. is that the selkie comic is not at the tope of the page it is a column of 4-5 other comic ads on the left with a blank spot in the middle.. scroll down and you find the Selkie comic just under the ads… without the page links.. (I.E first,prev,next,last) at the top. they ARE just below the selkie comic though… hope that was understandable…
i know its a wall of text im sorry
Try clearing your browser cache then refreshing. I had the same layout you described for a bit while fussing with fixing the layout. I use Firefox though, dunno if that matters.
Ok, I just lost a bit of respect for Heather: I mean, she fell for that, really?
Chances are good she understands exactly what they’re doing and why. I think she’s mad enough at Amanda that she just doesn’t care. She knows how much this will hurt Amanda to see how easily she’s been “replaced.”
If that’s the case, then I’ve lost TWO bits of respect for her. The first bit was for being stupid and the second is for being vindictive.
Seriously? She’s *eight* for pete’s sake. Cut the kid some slack. At least she’s not a total monster like Amanda is.
I am cutting her some slack, that’s why I said I’ve lost “a bit” of respect for her. If I thought she was a total monster I would have lost more than a bit or two.
They’re both eight, and let’s not forget they were both orphans feeling “nobody wants me” for most of their lives. Though Heather has been adopted, that’s not a magic insta-fix. She’s gradually learning, but she’s still going to make mistakes rooted in that deep insecurity.
We’re seeing now that Amanda’s not a monster either; that would mean she was incapable of growing into better ways of dealing with the world.
That’s what I like most about Dave’s storytelling: his major kid characters are real, complicated, three-dimensional people, not stereotypes. I feel very sorry for Amanda now — yes, she totally earned this moment of utter misery, but we have been shown why. She was lashing out in anger at a world that really had given her a very raw deal.
The question is, will she also learn?
You’ve lost respect for someone because she ditched a bad friend?
No. I lost some respect because she got taken-in by two new bad friends.
Nice to know I’m not the only one who made that mistake. Got mine presentable but I’m still have a list of repairs. Hope you didn’t stay up too late working on yours.
My condolences.
Took me several readings to get who is talking in the upper panels (Lynni and Giselle? Somebody off-panel? Voices inside Amanda’s head?), but I finally figured that the voices already belong to the next scene and that it’s Selkie and her Dad (and Grandparents) talking.
Yep, that’s it.
somehow i cannot picture dave ragng at the update mixup, at most pcture him saying “oh fiddle sticks” in a clearly barely dstressed way.
im definately not liking the upgrade, but i do like how well youve made lemonade from it, all things concidered a day well saved
I didn’t intend the upgrade, but yeah making the best of it. Reorganizing a bit, learning some new fiddley bits.
I tend to do a lot of aggravated sighing and growling peppered with some curse words that don’t have the benefit of iconographic illustrations. XD
i always pictured the real life you haveing random icons spit out every time you try to sware XD
also acording to my derpyness 3+6 is p
Also, happy year of updates!
Converting from Comicpress to Easel may be a pain, but Comicpress has been functionally dead for a while and Easel really is much better, so even if the circumstances weren’t ideal it’s good that you’ve dealt with it.
I recently spent a lot of time learning how to properly skin Easel, so if you get stuck and have no one else to ask you can send me an email and I may be able to point you in the right direction.
I can be contacted at anytime via the email in this comment & twitter, etc and would be happy to help you with CSS or any questions you have on getting the new version of ComicPress working like you like it.
Thank you, I appreciate it.