Thank you everyone for the decongestant suggestions over the weekend. Feeling a bit better at the moment, seems like a Dayquil and some tabasco sauce helps.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
If anybody knows a way to safely impale my forehead with one of those maple syrup spigots and drain the fluid build-up in my sinuses out, I’d appreciate a Youtube tutorial on how to do that and not die, thanks.
Selkie in a bad 80s cop movie: "YOU'RE A LOOSE CANNON, SMITH! TURN IN YOUR BADGE!" "The wholes SYSTEMS is a loose cannons!"
Feeling better, back to comicking. Also, FAN ART! A Deviant Artist by the name of Rosewood Coin sent me this drawing featuring Selkie, alongside Modest from Modest Medusa and Grex from Star Power, hanging out. Thank you, Rosewood!
-EDIT 8-14-2019- I apologize for this, but the next Selkie comic will be up on Friday’s update. I need to take a sick day. Thank you for understanding.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.