Did some Youtube crawling over the weekend, so if you need a quick drama break, please enjoy these videos by one of my favorite groups, The New Pornographers. (lyrics and content are not actually pornographic.)
I’ve started work on a Selkie-themed watercolor illustration that I may be selling prints of when it’s done. Stay tuned…
Considering Amanda has more battle damage than Tammy I want to clarify that, as Selkie suggested in the previous strip, Amanda DID start the fight. That’s a self-defense black eye, or a “don’t pick fights with kids that are bigger[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Combining Selkie’s love of mad science, and meat. Happy Belated Mad Turkey Science Day ↓ TranscriptTranscript of panels 1 and 2 by request "I gots scales, ands feathers, ands mad science chemicals…" "Ands I makes… a fishy-turkey!" and the last[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Happy Thanksgiving, to those who celebrate it. I aaaalmost wimped out and did a Thanksgiving drawing in lieu of an update. Almost. XD Instead, come back this Saturday for a Sketch Day Bonus which may be Thanksgiving-esque. 😀
Silly Todd. You have to go home FIRST before you can DVR an episode. (I feel like there is probably a smartphone app or something to control one’s DVR from a distance, I just don’t know about it. XD) I[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
[EDIT] Too all my non-North American readers, I believe I’ve fixed the problem with the Pins only being available for shipping in America and Canada. I messed up the shipping settings. 🙁 Sorry about that, international ordering should now be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Method 2 of body temp regulation: drinking hot water. Provides hydration, and introduces warmth to the core. (I have my doubts she’d like the heat on sensitive gill membranes, but I suppose gill flushing with hot/warm water would also be[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I mentioned waaaay back near the beginning that Selkie is cold blooded and needs heat regulation in colder seasons, but aside from that one mention in a non-comic side update there hasn’t been much visibility regarding Selkie’s need to regulate[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…