“Testicles” is a funnier word than “nuts”, I think. – – – – – So, do I have any readers in or near the area of Quincy, Illinois? Because if so, I’d like to bring an event to your attention.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
One of these days I need to make a nice big template for that "rabbit-ears" photograph instead of copy-pasting the original one from back in strip 148.
Don’t feel great, tried to get some extra sleep, kept being woken up. Finish the comic later. I love my pets but they need to learn when to stop barking at every stupid squirrel they see out the window. >_<[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Arc OVER! Finally… But the story picks up from here next week, so… not really over! Is anything ever really over, anyway? – – – – – Fan art update! Got two pieces yesterday. First one is from Yorkiejokiegg: And[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Mrs. Trunchbull is named after a literary character who hates lies.
Not a good first impression. – – – – – I got Fan Art to share today. Received this fun drawing from MissAspie Thanks!
Selkie's original line in panel four was "I's not s scareds of hims, ands I's nots scareds of YOUS!", but I felt that came off a bit too adult-ish in tone. Changed it to give Selkie my insult-of-choice when I was her age: JERK!
RAAAAAAAAGE FAAAAAAAACE! (Not quite another half-comic, but two-thirds. Will finish it later. It’s been a “stuff pops up” week. XD) Oh, and by the way, I finally got off my butt and did a little something to fix the “Chanelle[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Drawing contorted exaggerated facial expressions may be one of my favorite things.
When I worked at a cable company tech support center, I had a customer once who, when I called him Mister Jones (not his real name, don't even remember the real name) he got severely indignant and demanded I call him Doctor Jones. It always struck me as a really egotistical and conceited thing to do to a complete stranger. That experience is a small part of where Professor Trunchbull comes from.
Piece of bonus commentary: I had to post the outlines of this strip first and the colored version afterwards, but I also made a small dialogue change in the process. Instead of “Save it, Mina” in panel 4, Todd now[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
"That escalated quickly" would make an appropriate title for this whole arc, honestly.
There is a very small numerical symbology reference embedded in the strip's dialogue if you wish to puzzle it out. Hint: there are also three affronted faculty members.
In which the wrong lesson is learned. – – – – – Just want to share this: a Selkie reader emailed me the other day to let me know that, motivated by the strip as well as real-life accounts which[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
If Amanda ever finds out that groin kicks = week off school.... well, she just shouldn't ever know this.
Getting a bit… draconic in here. A few link-backs. First, the return of the Terrible Tolerance poster. Also, Chris Thompson: baseball enthusiast, collector of turtles, ex-elementary school gym coach, current Wool-Mart grocery bagger.
Todd probably shouldn't have made that hobbit crack. I mean, hobbits are peaceful farm folk who want nothing more from life than a good pipe underneath a large oak on a balmy day. It's almost a compliment. Unless you count Smeagol.