Pronounced Deh-Mah-Dee-Ay. You may recall Dr. De’Madiea from a brief appearence in an earlier strip, or from a New Years sneak peek last year. What you may not realize though, is that Pohl and his wife were also secretly my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Dr. Pohl De'Madiea has been bumping around my head nearly since the comic's beginning. I've been looking forward to finally introducing him.
Todd has questions. Many, many questions. Also of note, trial and error. Additional Fan Art update! I received this great drawing from Brendan: Thanks, Brendan!
The past week has been insane in ways I’d rather not detail, and I just couldn’t get a regular strip out for today. I normally try to announce ahead of time if I need to skip an update or post[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I saw Despicable Me 2 yesterday and Pacific Rim last week. Pacific Rim was freaking amazing and I highly recommend it. Despicable Me 2 was okay, but I liked the first one better. Oh, and comic.
Todd didn't just say "I'll call Lillian" because his parents haven't ever met the orphanage staff.
The yard sale went great, and my friends are well on their way to seeing their dreams come true. The outpouring of help and aid from their community was astounding. They’ve got a great home to start a family in.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Very very VERY early in the comic's formation, I had a story arc idea where Selkie stays over at her grandparents, but nobody knew yet about her being carnivorous so they gently coerced her into eating vegetables, she got sick and they all felt very very bad. I pretty much killed the "grandparents don't know she's carnivorous" idea when I realized there was no good reason for that information not to be shared with them, but the base components of that arc became this bit. And as a reader points out in the comments, I actually DID do this bit earlier with the grapes, it just wasn't a "sleepover". So... WOOPS. I slipped up and forgot. XD
Just a reminder, Selkie’s bile is purple. Another reminder, I will be in Quincy Illinois this evening to support my friends. If you can make it out, feel free to say hi! I posted a picture of myself on Monday,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Grandpa Theo used quite a bit of hair gel to turn his forehead tuft into a mighty horn.
Comic is up! Thanks for your understanding, early risers. 😀
My original intent was to have each individual cell be a different background color, but I didn't think it worked well. Wild background color shifts tend to be more of a memory/dreamscape/emotional reaction thing in Selkie strips, and non of this is imagined.
The last appearance of Giselle, Michael, and Robert. – – – – – Just want to mention this again, but some close friends of mine are running a fundraiser yard sale to raise money for in-vitro fertilization treatments this weekend.[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Sometimes the surprise is jalapenos. Sometimes it's bell peppers, summer squash, or in one horrific incident bubblegum.