I usually pictograph-censor cuss words, but since Keisha is talking about a Real World piece of art work, I elected not to for this occasion.
2053 comics.
Thought about using Chris Ofili's "The Holy Virgin Mary", but that would require too much context. "Piss Christ" conveys it's medium more succinctly.
The refreshment attendants, Brad (glasses with poofy hair) and Sammy (mohawk and stretched ear lobes) are from one of my really early attempts at a webcomic project about four roomates in a college dorm. It was pretty bad, so it's not online anymore. Just mentioning it for trivia.
I gave Andi's colored bangs a little fancy flip for the occasion.
So many teeth
They're not Weasleys, Kenneth. -_-
"Oms noms noms! Mmm, Face!"
I have a fantastic fan art to share today! Blue Coyote sent me a drawing of Andi and Amanda doing a hairstyle-swap. Thank you Blue Coyote!
Makes me wonder how Selkie and Sandy would feel about the chewing-oriented artwork series "Gnaw". http://www.moma.org/collection/works/82028
I figured at least one of Selkie's friends should join the show.
One of these pieces is by a familiar artist.
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Actually drew this one the night before update day because I was drawing the Art Exhibit strips when I realized I'd forgotten to draw this scene. Woops. :x