Practically a Saturday comic at this point, and may as well call it that since I’ll be finishing the coloring tomorrow, but I wanted to get this up while it was still technically Friday.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
A truly worthy endeavor!
So she picked her because she needed a partner in crime. Makes sense
They’re joining forces.
*They’re joining forces.*
We’re all doomed.
Well, Tony is at least
I for one welcome our new adorable overlords!
It’s ominous to me that the only color on this page (currently) is Amanda’s hair clip in that last panel.
I freaking love this comic. Selkie’s and Amanda’s relationship has come so far. And I’m chuckling like a madman that, as Aria pointed out above, they are indeed joining forces explicitly to knock Tony down a peg.
Awww. Sisterly bonding!
Georgie is well out of it, although at this point he probably doesn’t think so…. and may not even think so later when Amanda and Selkie get hauled off by the ears… er, …by the ear and the collar. Georgie is going to miss being included in the mischief.
Amanda: I’m in.
Me: Me too.
I’d say “called it,” but barring the pick being because of Te Fahn showing up, it of course would be shenanigans, so there wasn’t much to call.
So…there’s the first half. Now let’s see if the other half involves Echo shenanigans for the prank or not. I’d like to think the girls know better at this point, but, well…they’re kids.
“You son of a b!^c#… I’m in…”
Oh noes.
$5 says this will involve a show of glowing eyes, and a grounding later