Thoughts: this might end up being a bit of a problem with Todd’s mom. She was already nervous about the abilities, so singed hair is not going to help. It should probably be brought up to her beforehand, without the kids around, and very carefully. This isn’t something that you want to surprise her with, especially not with her learning it directly from the kids. I would rather wait to tell her until they fully know the cause, and obviously taking care of Selkie (and Amanda, since this is a shock to her too) comes first right now. I am very glad that the grandma isn’t here right now because I don’t think that she would have been able to maintain any sort of calm.
Masterful de-escalation Todd and Amanda.
Thoughts: this might end up being a bit of a problem with Todd’s mom. She was already nervous about the abilities, so singed hair is not going to help. It should probably be brought up to her beforehand, without the kids around, and very carefully. This isn’t something that you want to surprise her with, especially not with her learning it directly from the kids. I would rather wait to tell her until they fully know the cause, and obviously taking care of Selkie (and Amanda, since this is a shock to her too) comes first right now. I am very glad that the grandma isn’t here right now because I don’t think that she would have been able to maintain any sort of calm.