Selkie has the right ideas about alien invasions. ↓ TranscriptDiscarded dialogue: Prof: Dick? Really? Selkie: (sheepish) I forgots his names? Prof: You just called him "Tommy" three times a moment ago. Selkie: …I remembereds?
Posts Tagged Selkie
1326 results.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
So I am a bit embarrassed to admit that I’ve dropped the ball and slacked off a little on Selkie background stuff. I got a little teensy bit “called out” on Friday for a lack of Selkie-themed merch in my[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
One of this whole arc's first scenes to pop in my head was Selkie willingly handing over her phone in panel 5. In the initial drafts it was the final panel of a strip.
I actually intended for the first flashback bubble to include a little doodle of an octopus with the Selkieverse brand name of the phone on the screen: the kRaken. But it made the phone look more like some sort of DS-style portable game unit than a phone so I nixed it.
A discourse on krakens and prezzies. Also, checkout today’s Leftover Soup for a cameo of Todd at the Filthy Hippie.
This would be a great time for a six month hiatus. ... If I wanted to get lynched.
Panel layout fail, I didn't give panel 1 enough room to preserve the ABBA structure properly. "I was a lad from Cozumel, kind as the world could see. Then you meet me, beat me, mistreat me. Now I'm throwing your guts to the swells!"
Some real life inspirations for the fictitious song The Buccaneer's Vengeance:
There is a small chance I am getting bored with the straight-square panel format. Small chance. Snowball's chance in Coldharbour.
She’s a real gem. – – – – – Just a heads up that the Like/Dislike plugin has been formally removed. It was interferring with site functions (copy-pasting URLs as links, making my admin toolbar visible to all readers, and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Not a good day for Mike.
Gonna save those cogs for future use. tic-toc-tic-toc...
Temporarily disabling the Like/Dislike plugin for a bit to determine if it’s the cause of some minor issues with the site.
Icing on the cake would be for her to call him that to his face.