She’s a real gem. – – – – – Just a heads up that the Like/Dislike plugin has been formally removed. It was interferring with site functions (copy-pasting URLs as links, making my admin toolbar visible to all readers, and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
It was brought to my attention that I forgot my own anniversary on Friday! As is tradition, here is a sketch of a 4 year old Selkie: Thanks for four years of Selkie, everyone!
Jessie should also probably say something about climbing on the library tables...
Got a fanart from Saokara yesterday of Selkie’s Happy Face: Thanks for the nightmares, Saokara!
This library scene went through two versions before I arrived at this final sequence of events. Version 1 was more physically aggressive. Truck tried to jump Selkie, she ran away. She climbed the bookshelves and taunted him by running from shelftop to shelftop, using misdirection and trickery to confuse and bewilder him as to her location. I think it would have made for a fun sequence, but it would have gotten Selkie in a hell of a lot of trouble to be jumping across bookshelves like Batman. Version 2, Truck wanted to sit and talk with her instead of wanting to pick a fight with her. Conversation entailed Truck demanding Selkie apologize for kicking him, with threats to keep hurting her friends if she didn't. The whole thing was just a bit more sinister and methodical than I felt was fitting for Tommy and it didn't really fit with any of his pre-established behaviors. Plus the whole concept of "assaulter demanding his target apologize for defending herself" was just a bit too creepy to go through with and not really something that feels right for the character's age range to be doing.
0-to-nightmare in .5 seconds. – – – – – So, a reader emailed me and gave me an idea. I have some Selkie bookmarks leftover from ACEN. If you’d all like one, I can mail one out to you. Just[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Took my time to try and get the Big Friendly Smile juuuuust right. XD
Had a great time at Anime Central last Saturday! Thanks a bunch to those who managed to find me, sorry I had to do it in such an awkward way. Next year I hope to get on the ball early[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
One of my favorite character traits of Selkie is how she can be both a little sweetheart and a vindictive cuss.
Leaning tower of speech bubbles. Quick note about Anime Central this weekend! My plan for the day trip is still to find a spot in the common area and occupy it. I wasn’t able to get an actual Alley table[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
In my mind, Selkie is humming a song to herself as she watches this happen. Possibly the Mariner's Revenge Song. I think she'd enjoy that song.