I would have happily traded everything else on my plate for a tray full of macaroni and cheese. Hell, I’m thirty-three and I’d STILL do that.
I would like to thank the readers for giving me the idea for the antennae joke. :D
I would have happily traded everything else on my plate for a tray full of macaroni and cheese. Hell, I’m thirty-three and I’d STILL do that.
Georgie is my favorite side character by far (I was that kid) but dude, lay off the sugar fo’reals. I really like the “telephone-game” kids grapevine-version of Amanda’s reclamation.
A magic, time traveling Amanda, with antennae?
It could happen.
So, now we see George’s tall tale tendency (did I describe that right?), though technically some of that’s coming from everybody else.
sandy has the makings of a sharp businessperson.
“I win lunch”. That’s adorable, Sandy. ^^
Heh. I guess Andi could be mistaken for an older Amanda. π Except for lacking the violent outbursts…
“…Okays, dude? Eats less sugar, seriouslys.” LOL! I can just hear the tone in Selkies voice as she says that. So awesome!
I’d love to know how Amanda would have acquired antennae.
The idea of going back to adopt oneself is pretty interesting. You could probably write an entire story around just that
The webcomic Blood Splattered Socks is actually very close to exactly that, except itβs 10-year-old protagonist traveling forward in time to be adopted by adult protagonist of the future.
It really depends on your school lunch. At our grade school, the mac & cheese was vile – a tasteless, overcooked paste… second only to the hot dogs as the worst food served. To this day I don’t get mac & cheese at restaurants. If I can’t make it myself, I can’t be sure it is made right.
It’s all a matter of taste. My kids won’t touch the homemade mac and cheese my wife makes (all the more for me!), but show them that Kraft radioactive orange stuff and they gobble it down.
This comic just made my day. π
Heehee! Sandy and her continuous sugar high. And Georgie is breaking the fourth wall commenting on Andi’s otherworldly hair. π
You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if Amanda came into school with either a hairstyle similar to Andi’s or at least dyed. If I was Andi, I would be keeping her home until Monday, spend the weekend getting to know each other and that I can see them at the hair salon. I mean, she had the pigtails because she figured potential parents would find a girl with pigtails cute and adoptable. Now with Andi in her life, she will be encouraged to break out of that shell and express herself. Be interesting to see what happens when she comes back to school.
No, no George, that’s Keisha. In 2026 she finds a Sarnothi time machine and comes back to ten pages from now and does that very thing, neatly wrapping up the Heather, Amanda, and Keisha adoption subplot.
“Steaks mes” is now on my shortlist of Best Responses Ever.
Not if said around Buffy Summers.
Haha, I’m currently eating a plate of mac and cheese!
Is Selkie using silverware now? I keep flashing back to the dinner party at Barb-and-Ken’s, and her eating that steak with her fingers.
I don’t see any silverware in front of her, nor in her hands, so I would think not.
Twenty-seven and would make that trade first chance I had. I might lament the lack of steak, but Salisbury is not my favorite form of meat anyway. π Don’t worry, Dave, we support your Mac ‘n’ Cheese habit!
Alas, after trading away her meat for extra pudding she was unable to enjoy them. Because everyone knows: if you don’t eat your meat, you can’t have any pudding!
I’ll show myself out…