on July 30, 2014
at 12:01 am
He mad.
I was gonna draw a bare butt instead of the second "pile" in panel 1, but with the lack of definition at the small size, it kept looking like rippled pecs. I don't know how that happened either.
That smile of Todd’s is one of absolute joy and evil.
Dave, for the love of fishies, DO NOT CUT AWAY!!! *Grabs a chair and some popcorn* Dis gun be GOOD!!!
Karma is a gun and it’s pointed in one direction!
Financial Karma is like a boomerang that only works if you throw it like a *boss*
Karma is sometimes swift. I suspect Principal Hobbit is about to be freed up for other employment opportunities.
The Great Wheel is about to roll over his ass and leave big ol’ tire treads
Do it, Todd.
Panel 6: “GLEEE-HEE-HEE!”
Also, if I were Todd, I’d have crossed gender symbols instead of the second pile. It flows a bit better, methinks.
…I mean, I know he has it coming, but dammit, I’m STILL feeling bad for Principal Ashton. We know why he was afraid of the Trunchbulls, after all, and when trouble hit again, he was on it. Maybe if he’d clearly been about to punish Selkie, or if he hadn’t admitted he realized he messed up before. The hits just keep coming, I’m beginning to see a little humiliation conga starting up.
I get the feeling this police report would get Agent Brown’s attention even without help from Todd. The receptionist did say someone came to the school and told them about Selkie, and that someone was likely Agent Brown.
Agent Brown already knows. He came to the hospital when Selkie was brought in. But, assuming it was Agent Brown who came to the school and “told them about Selkie” – what exactly were they told? You have to be an exceptionally special kind of stupid to know a student is specifically being monitored by a government agency and STILL throw her to the wolves the way Ashton did.
He didn’t want to deal with asshole parents, so he took the easy way out for himself. Even before that, he fired the gym teacher over the shirt incident because the guy spoke up in Selkie’s defense. That isn’t the mark of someone you want to have as the person ultimately responsible for all the children in a school. Feel bad for him if you must but this guy needs to go. He isn’t fit to do this job.
His f*cking JOB is supporting the kids. Even against other kids and their parents. In that he failed Selkie.
I feel bad for the Principal, and I can totally understand Todd’s desire for revenge… but to me, in this case, I think a favor owed may be worth far more than the feeling one gets from even justified revenge.
In this case, I’d go for the “Well, now you owe me. How will you start making it up for my discretion?”
Of course, I am very capable of being both angry, and calculating… and having sympathy all at once.
What good is a favor owed by an ex-principal selling shoes at Wool Mart?
No, he should end up selling fish at Wool Mart.
Wool Mart doesn’t have a decent fish market, everything is basically prepackaged and shipped in frozen in most cases. I miss the stores that would weigh out your selection for you then wrap it up in wax paper and tie it with string and tape.
I feel you and Miles about the feeling bad for the principal thing, but WHAT THE F$&@ is up with Trunchbull getting away with EVERYTHING he’s done while only Ashton gets punished?! Trunchbull’s actions are CLEARLY more condemnable. Someone explain this to me, PLEASE. Did anyone read my comment on the last post? Anyone? I mean I know you guys don’t really have to respond to me but COME ON. Why am I the only one who cares about this!?
Okay, Alphaghoul, here you go. What, exactly, should happen to Professor Trunchbull?
Reversal of whatever deal the previous school had to do with him due to his lawsuit, and his kid suspended/kicked out of the school, with Trunchbull getting cited for intimidation/blackmail against the school staff.
Something! Anything! Truck’s words clearly suggest that Todd and the principal aren’t the only ones he pulls this crap on! He needs to get sued. And lose. Maybe lose a lot of money, maybe lose his job and credibilaty as a professor. Maybe, just maybe, go to prison and his son sent to juvie. But you know what, maybe I’ve got him all wrong, maybe after seeing his son act like himself he’ll decide to change his ways and make amends with everyone he’s ever wronged, including getting the staff of the old school their jobs back at risk of his own credibility, but that’s a big maybe. Not just the people who he’s wronged should sue him, but parents should get involved in the lawsuit as well, once they realize that he’s been blatantly enforcing his monster child bullying their children, on that note someone on the forums here mentioned that kids whose parents enforce their violent behavior grow up to be criminals and end up in prison, that little factiod should be mentioned in court. (yeah Truck, try upholding that “I’m not the bad guy” attitude then, won’t father be so proud.) Anyway sorry it took so long for me to respond back, my folks kept me busy the whole day, and thanks guys for responding to me, even that one guy who mentioned mud the trunchbulls tracked in eventhough he technically didn’t respond to me (blue coyote, that’s the name), it looks like I’m not the only one who cares about what happens to the Trunchbulls thankfully. I’ll say more tomorrow, signing off.
I think Trunchbull won’t get off as scott free as you feel he is Alphaghoul. Right now it may seem that way but right now Trunchypoo’s only only crime is being so single-minded in going to bat for his son and using hardball tactics he ended up letting his son get away with a lot. However now that it’s been smacked in Trunchball’s face he protected his son when his son was doing bad things, it’s a blow to his pride and if Todd, or anyone a the school office brings up to the former hurt parties by Trunchball’s lawsuit what happened or hell they get a copy of Selkie’s video of Truck outright saying what he did, it could open the doors for appeals and at the very least let those Trunchball hurt put some hurt on him at court even if it’s frivolous, the legal fees can get stacked. Add in the blow to the Professor’s reputation and how stupid he must feel? Oh believe me I think he’ll get ‘his’ in due time, especially the way he acted about Truck gloating he got those people fired, something tells me Trunchpoo and his wife burned a LOT of bridges they didn’t care too but did in the name of their son…and now he’s discovered he helped his son get away with God knows how much crap? The good professor will get his karma-wise if not in other ways.
No, no, this is exactly what I’ve been thinking, too. Trunchbull is the root of the issue, and he just walks away with no actual consequences?
I’m thinking that the officer may well pursue this angle. Todd is going to explain his side of things, which is super-bad for the Principal, and the Principal is so going to throw Trunchbull under the bus.
Principal Hobbit has been wanting to throw Trunchbull under the bus this whole time. It’s not like he thought what he did was justified, but rather he was too scared of Trunchbull.
As someone who has indirectly been involved in a case where the person who won was absolutely using it as a means of psychological and financial warfare, I can tell you that the justice system only has to fail you once for it to be utterly terrifying. Assholes with strong personalities absolutely can corrupt what is intended to protect the weak, and get away with lying (as just one specific example, they can get away with mail fraud if the judge is particularly dim) if their assertions are insufficiently challenged. Some people just have such strong force of personality that the lawyers and judges will bend to their whims without realizing it, and if your case hinges on the other people in court seeing that person for who they really are, you are screwed. And that is really, really scary.
This doesn’t justify what the Principal did. But I do sympathize with the terror he must have felt at the time.
Everyone SHOULD remember that the Principal was victim to bullying too in this scenario. Sure he did the weak thing and gave in to it, but does that really make him a “bad” guy?
To look at it another way, assume your neighbor’s house is on fire, and you see your neighbors trapped inside. As you are no a trained fireman, you call for the fire department and do nothing.
Are you now the bad guy just because you COULD have tried to do something to help them?
“Sure he did the weak thing and gave in to it, but does that really make him a “bad” guy?”
When his job — the responsibility he accepted — involves protecting students from bullying, and he shirks his duties as Principal Ashton did, then, yes, it does.
An excellent point, really. He’s a coward, but adults don’t become perfect and beyond reproach just because they’ve become adults. Truck’s father and Principal Hobbit are just adult versions of the same playground bullying we see in Truck and … everyone else. If Todd gives him the chance to throw Trunchbull under the bus, I’m pretty sure the Principal is going to take it… for much the same reasons that Todd’s about to throw him under the bus.
I’m not making excuses for the guy. It’s not secret that I have some sympathy for the principal given he was backed into a corner by the Bulls and being perhaps the only facility member who knew of what happened at the last school Truck went to.
But that being said up until the Trunchbulls arrived he was doing things by the school policy, a stupid policy but it is the school’s policy to punish one person for a set rules is equally stupid for it’s directing your frustration at the person and not the system. And I don’t recall anyone being upset that the old gym teacher got fired when it came to the shirt incident.
Again I bring up that the principal was trying to prevent another mass firing as it happened with the previous school, when he made that threat was he saying that he would fire them or was he indirectly warning them that the consequences of starting a fight with the Trunchbulls with no evidence would result in their unemployment? It was done very poorly, but given what was going on at the time did he really have the time to explain it? And why on earth wouldn’t it have been explained later unless everyone was avoiding him. Sadly we don’t really get much of his character outside of the school and his job so we only know of him as he is during that time, unlike Amanda and Andy and everyone else we can see in two different lights.
Another thing is that yes Selkie did go to the hospital but it happened after she was taken from school by her father when to everyone she looked fine. Did anyone bring this up with the school following her visit so that they could do the proper thing?
I would go on to make myself sound more clearer but sadly I must go on with my day.
Having been thrown to the wolves in a way similar to Selkie’s by a principal…nail his ass to the wall. Not fit to be a principal. At all. Personally, I’ve always felt that cases of physical assault in bullying incidents should be reported to the police and treated as exactly that – ASSAULT. In the adult world you don’t get to slam someone against a wall, knock them down repeatedly, etc, and get away with it as “kids being kids” or “grow a thicker skin”…bitter? Me?
As someone who worked for a school board for years, I can assure you that Principal Sackville-Baggins is the kind of person who ends up working at the district level just to get them away from students.
If he ends up being promoted to Superintendent, I think Todd will actively start assisting Selkie with her plans to become an Evil Mastermind.
Not usually that high, but generally as a director of some department. I knew quite a few… invariably incompetent.
I think Selkie should sign up for an internship with Dr Monster.
Sure. Of course, I know full well a kid can be expelled for making the mistake of defending themselves as well.
Situations like these are how kids feel that the only way they can stand up for themselves is to just escalate beyond the levels I ever did and start shooting up the place.
Then the problem with that is that there suddenly are copy cats that do the same thing because they get turned down by girls too many times.
The world is a f-ed up place sometimes, and even people trying to do their best get it wrong sometimes. Remember that.
The way the cop phrased it, it appears that he suspects Todd is the one being abusive.
Talking to the father, “kid in the hospital, we have to verify it’s not a case of abuse”. That’s cop-speak for “why you beat your kid, you lowlife scum?”
See, if my neighbor beats my kid with a ball bat, that’s “assault”. If I beat my own kid, it’s “child abuse”. I’ve never heard of anyone except the parent/guardian called an abuser.
Yeah, but there is one other thing in Todd’s favor: She came into the hospital /due to injuries sustained at school/, was what he said earlier. Maybe he thinks she was injured by one of the teachers?
‘Abuse’ is the term generally deployed in cases where there’s an active discrepancy in social power. Your neighbor assaulting and battering your child is not (by itself) child abuse in that sense because your neighbor has no direct position of authority or responsibility over your child (there’s nuance to this because society is complicated, but this is the gist).
Faculty at a school the child is attending /can/ commit child abuse (in the same sense as parents can) because the child in question has been given over to their authority and responsibility, generally by the parent who enrolled them. They’re in a position of direct authority, and it is the abuse of that authority to justify their coercion of the child using abusive threats and acts that elevates the transgression from ‘merely’ violent to completely, definitively abusive.
This is in part because the child is more likely to internalize the transgression in that situation…they’ve been told ‘this person is in charge/is correct’, and have little foundation on which to conclude that this is a problem they can and need to seek help correcting.
This is why abuse, and child abuse in particular, are such egregious transgressions compared to ‘simple’ assault, battery and even murder. Violence and even killing are shocking, but rarely as outright repellant and horrifying as seeing someone physically and emotionally crippled by someone they should have been able to trust.
It is a profound violation of our basic kinship, which simultaneously throws into disarray all hope of societal coherence and erodes the soul of the future.
So basically, it’s only abuse if the aggressor has authority and the victim won’t fight back because they are supposed to respect the person abusing them / could get in trouble for fighting back?
Just trying to condense it a little in case someone doesn’t want to read the whole paragraph you put to explain it…
Essentially it’s about power. People with almost complete control(in a legal sense, usually) over another person who use that power to harm them, or, though inaction, allow that person to come to harm.
Asimov’s Law of Tyranny?
Y’know…when I was Selkie’s age and size, I had to deal with a principal who I thought of as a giant. Looking back on it now, and from a much greater height, I think he must have been short as Principal Hobbit, here.
it would be better to have this principal under control rather then have him on our bad side or another principal who we don’t know.
on the other side how possible is it that Mina gets the job?
Why do I hear the Star Wars theme?
The Han Solo theme, or the Darth Vader theme? Which one are you hearing? I am hearing the Darth Vader theme, Dun, Dun, Da-Dun, Dun, Da-Dun, Dun, Da-Dun!
The Imperial March, which is Darth Vader’s Theme, is what I hear too.
That is an awesome line!! I totally get it and yes, his “pile” does resemble that!
The word for what I’m feeling right now is “justice boner”. I have one. It’s in my brain.
That is yet another awesome quote! Sweet! *high fives*
Okay, in my opinion this beats out “Selkie Selfie” for “Most T-Shirtable Selkie Line.”
Seriously, who wouldn’t want a Gleeheeheeheehee! shirt?
Awww yiss! This gonna be good *grabs popcorn*
Todd I think is perfectly justified here, the cop thinks He’s the one abusing the kid, he’s quite entitled to clear his own name as well as drag the Truchbulls through the mud they tracked in. I sorta don’t see him ‘throwing the Hobbit to the wolves’ as much as making him stand there uncomfortably while he tells the authorities what all has been happening. Prince Hobbit can claim he was just following protocol, zero-tolerance bs and all that, he can pass himself off as incompetent and cowardly I think, rather than malicious.
This is not even about revenge, his job is to protect the students in his care and he failed. Todd can just be completely honest about what happened without any malice.
The look of unbridled, pure glee … BRILLIANT!
After giving this another look, it seems that Todd’s expression in the last panel is his version of Selkie’s “happys face” from #477.
*whistles* Whelp. Everything is gonna hit the fan soon. *joins everyone in watching*
Revenge is a dish best served cold.
With a side of fish.
I think a little gray donkey would read at that size.
Um… It may be me or because it is late but I don’t get that line… What’s that mean?
Brad is suggesting a different “cuss” icon, one which would read as “ass”. To replace the second instance of fecal matter, I think.
Or the back half of a horse would work, too
that face will haunt me forever