Right – but is she hesitating before she tells the truth (“Amanda know that much, might as well tell her all of it”) or a lie (“If Amanda thinks it was Lillian, let her keep thinking it”)?
“Yeah, sure” usually means “I’m just going to go along with that” or “you just keep believing that so I don’t have to tell you what’s REALLY going on.”
I’m going with “social experiment.” They want to see if mankind is advance enough to interact peacefully with an alien race before they reveal there is one to the general public.
I can see letting the coach and Mina think someone ran up to her in the hallway and “de-shirted” her. They don’t know about the gills. But that was the story they gave Todd.
I don’t think he’d have been anywhere near as upset if they had told him, “While she was in the girls’ room flushing her gills, someone stole her shirt”. That whole arc gave me the impression that nobody in authority at the school really knew what her “bathroom privileges” were all about.
But there were other people around at the time, and the big issue was that someone stole her shirt. They probably kept quiet because of Agent Brown and their “orders” regarding Selkie and the confidentiality of her physiology, might have figured that Todd would know why Selkie wasn’t wearing her shirt and that it had been stolen while flushing her gills. Assumptions abound. But also, because there were other people present the entire time they were talking to Todd.
@Lazruth: I’m guessing it’s for the same reason Selkie’s whole species is a secret. But that just begs the question even further: why the heck are the people who want to keep her species a secret allowing her to be out in public, not to mention allowing her to be adopted by someone who wasn’t already in on the secret? That last bit really nags at me.
And if the answer involves time travel, Dave, I will punch you because that is a cop-out and you know it. (e.g. the reason Agent Brown allowed Selkie to be adopted by Todd is because Brown is from the future and “it always happened that way”.)
I love the quote, Dave!! HUGE “Gargoyles” fan, obviously:)
I assume nothing. Time travel being the farthest from my guesses, I’d say that it is simply social matters at work plus aspects of her race. The whole matter is the doctor we saw in the hospital. Surely some people know of them and they are not a complete secret. The doctor may be in the know only by staff but, again, he wanders about just as Selkie does. Perhaps he has the same defined “medical condition” that Selkie is purported to have, of course this being a cover for her being a different species. Could be some kind of slow integration of her race. Could be due to the reason that Selkie’s mom had to leave Selkie. She didn’t die that we’ve seen so far. Why did she leave Selkie with humans? So many questions. Could be any number of answers:)
So I just reread through pretty much the entire story, and I noticed you had secret commentary on pretty much every strip. Then all of a sudden, I think around #125 or 150 or so, they just…stop. Was that on purpose, or did it just sort of stop happening? Because it would be really cool if you started doing those again.
I took the secrecy out of the Secret Commentary and moved it to the Transcript function because mobile device readers were unable to view the alt-text and missing out on the discussion.
I would love it if Amanda became either friends with Selkie, or like her secret protector. I know that won’t happen, but I’m into friendship and all that hippie nonsense.
On the subject of Gargoyles squees, I happened to stumble on reports that they may be finally releasing the second half of Season 2 (the rest of the show, if you disregard the Goliath Chronicles, which I do XD), but as a Movie Club membership exclusive. Not even sure if I have good info (the website has no listing for it and the supposed release date is the 25th of this month), but something to keep an eye on if you are like me and already have collections 1 and 2.
This may be old news to every other Gargoyles fan, but it’s news to me because I don’t really follow the fansites and I just happened to find it out today, so thought I’d share.
I dunno…I’m seeing it as it MAY have been someone else, but if Amanda believes it’s Lillian why not continue LETTING Amanda think it’s Lillian?
Does that make sense? I haven’t had much sleep and my brain feels magna-fluxed.
Yeah it makes sense. Agent Brown certainly scared Mary when she slipped up and Todd found out about him.
That’s exactly why Lisa’s speech bubble begins with “…”. She’s hesitating.
Right – but is she hesitating before she tells the truth (“Amanda know that much, might as well tell her all of it”) or a lie (“If Amanda thinks it was Lillian, let her keep thinking it”)?
“Yeah, sure” usually means “I’m just going to go along with that” or “you just keep believing that so I don’t have to tell you what’s REALLY going on.”
The best way to get a child to cooperate is to treat them like they can be trusted with the secret.
Not sure why it’s a secret, I mean… really? Eh, maybe the reason will be given soon. Guess we’ll see.
Witness protection, perhaps? I think “political asylum” came up before.
I’m going with “social experiment.” They want to see if mankind is advance enough to interact peacefully with an alien race before they reveal there is one to the general public.
This seems to not gibe with past strips.
I can see letting the coach and Mina think someone ran up to her in the hallway and “de-shirted” her. They don’t know about the gills. But that was the story they gave Todd.
I don’t think he’d have been anywhere near as upset if they had told him, “While she was in the girls’ room flushing her gills, someone stole her shirt”. That whole arc gave me the impression that nobody in authority at the school really knew what her “bathroom privileges” were all about.
But there were other people around at the time, and the big issue was that someone stole her shirt. They probably kept quiet because of Agent Brown and their “orders” regarding Selkie and the confidentiality of her physiology, might have figured that Todd would know why Selkie wasn’t wearing her shirt and that it had been stolen while flushing her gills. Assumptions abound. But also, because there were other people present the entire time they were talking to Todd.
Aha! This detail explains SO MUCH.
@Lazruth: I’m guessing it’s for the same reason Selkie’s whole species is a secret. But that just begs the question even further: why the heck are the people who want to keep her species a secret allowing her to be out in public, not to mention allowing her to be adopted by someone who wasn’t already in on the secret? That last bit really nags at me.
And if the answer involves time travel, Dave, I will punch you because that is a cop-out and you know it. (e.g. the reason Agent Brown allowed Selkie to be adopted by Todd is because Brown is from the future and “it always happened that way”.)
Hear, hear!
I think witness protection and political asylum have been suggested.
…not that I condone violence!
“Time is like a river, correcting its course against any change. History cannot be altered.”
“Look around you, Goliath! What do we have to lose by TRYING?!”
Selkie is a fixed point in time; that can’t be changed. Wibbly wobbly, timey-wimey… THIS COMIC NEEDS MORE TARDIS.
I love the quote, Dave!! HUGE “Gargoyles” fan, obviously:)
I assume nothing. Time travel being the farthest from my guesses, I’d say that it is simply social matters at work plus aspects of her race. The whole matter is the doctor we saw in the hospital. Surely some people know of them and they are not a complete secret. The doctor may be in the know only by staff but, again, he wanders about just as Selkie does. Perhaps he has the same defined “medical condition” that Selkie is purported to have, of course this being a cover for her being a different species. Could be some kind of slow integration of her race. Could be due to the reason that Selkie’s mom had to leave Selkie. She didn’t die that we’ve seen so far. Why did she leave Selkie with humans? So many questions. Could be any number of answers:)
I was kind of geeking out over the Doctor Who reference, myself.
So I just reread through pretty much the entire story, and I noticed you had secret commentary on pretty much every strip. Then all of a sudden, I think around #125 or 150 or so, they just…stop. Was that on purpose, or did it just sort of stop happening? Because it would be really cool if you started doing those again.
I’m pretty sure they are under that huge ‘Click “Transcript” for Director Commentary!’ heading
I took the secrecy out of the Secret Commentary and moved it to the Transcript function because mobile device readers were unable to view the alt-text and missing out on the discussion.
Aha. That does make sense, although it’s a little more boring.
I would love it if Amanda became either friends with Selkie, or like her secret protector. I know that won’t happen, but I’m into friendship and all that hippie nonsense.
Are we never gonna see this woman’s legs? XD
@Dave: I just had a happy little “Gargoyles” squee. Thank you!
On the subject of Gargoyles squees, I happened to stumble on reports that they may be finally releasing the second half of Season 2 (the rest of the show, if you disregard the Goliath Chronicles, which I do XD), but as a Movie Club membership exclusive. Not even sure if I have good info (the website has no listing for it and the supposed release date is the 25th of this month), but something to keep an eye on if you are like me and already have collections 1 and 2.
This may be old news to every other Gargoyles fan, but it’s news to me because I don’t really follow the fansites and I just happened to find it out today, so thought I’d share.
When she isn’t being a bitch Amanda is pretty D’aw too!
Also, Gargoyles, damn, that’s the real old school gangsta. 8)
Gangsters? Oh craps, Dracon!
What is C.N.A. ? I know CYA, but CNA?
Certified Nursing Assistant.