Because you’re all awesome, here is a bonus piece of information: Selkie’s people come from a sovereign city-state. Location and name as yet unknown. However… the symbol within Selkie’s Mom’s speech bubble is the symbol OF that city-state.
I feel like Selkie's other language is something Marta and Antoine would have been told about behind the scenes when Theo and Marigold were preparing them for the meeting. Todd knows of it's existence simply from living with Selkie the past few weeks.
Protip: If your daughter’s snot causes a mild armpit rash at this point, don’t let her find out about that.
There’s a con and pro to that idea. The con- you temporary spare her feelings till she finds out and the hurt can be much worse when the truth has been kept from her.
The pro- like with the skin rashes, the pain gets worked through and the fact that her body fluids cause rashes is not something she can help.
It’s a lot easier to deal with strangers who will be less understanding knowing that your family will always have your back- poisonous body fluids or none.
LOL, Karishi!
Dave, you forgot Selkie’s bow in panel 3.
Oh yuck, that’s…
…er, adorable.
“Atlantis”, maybe?
This seems to be a running thing lately…
Y’ha-nthlei? (It was the underwater city near Innsmouth, Massachusetts, a short distance off Devil’s Reef)
And am I too much of a geek for even knowing of such a place?
There’s always been something a little “H.P. Lovecraftian” about Selkie.
Lovecraft probably misinterpreted what he saw.
And wrote “squamous” when he meant “cuddly”.
Let´s wait until Selkie is a rebellious teenager, to see what happens to Todd´s sanity…
actually, you are just the perfect amount of nerdy
if you have ever played smallworld, the underground edition…take a look at the kraken!
Oh we know what city she comes from Ry’Leh!
Seriously, enjoying the comic.
She does have that Innsmouth look…
At least somebody in this strip is happy. I just noticed that Martha’s dog is having a good dream: There are “ZZZ”s over his head and his tail is wagging.
Hahahaha, she sure knows how to ruin a moment.
Daddies don’t mind if their baby snots on them.
I read this entire comic over the weekend, and I just want to say how much I adore it. Well done!
And I just want to snuggle Selkie in this strip, poisoned bodily fluids be damned.
Archive bingeing – it’s a thing now.
I imagine in the last panel, Selkie just saying, “Problem?:D:D:D:D:D:D”
o: they have an adorable puppy!
Yeah, that’s Clyde;
the unofficial fourth kid. No really, he has his own room.
I don’t know if Todd’s face in panel six is “EWW, kid-snot!!” or more along the lines of “OMG I didn’t know such a little girl could make such a GI-NORMOUS noise!!” Probably both? Either way, well-done! It’s always nice making one’s parental unit/s make that type of horrified face..
Dave, my dear, you have a way with facial expressions. Especially those of shock.
Thank you.