Tempted to have Marta turn up in a third outfit after the dress change. XD
Oh, and one more shout out to fellow League of Legends players, I created a Selkie chatroom (named “Selkie”, no quotes) that is slowly growing, so feel free to join in.
I actually didn't write this scene in until I read all the questions wonderings musings and speculations on if Selkie's saliva would be put to the test. For great science!
Yay Marta! I was hoping they’d do something like this!
Science FTW.
Probably not the best thing to hope for, but here’s hoping its allergies.
Its better to hope for something that’s possible to overcome. Humans are very adaptable. So if it isn’t an allergic reaction, and is an irritant or a poison, it may be possible that Todd will build up a tolerance to it.
Most Drugs are Poisonous, that’s why we have detailed directions to get some positive use out of them. Many drugs (even Caffeine and Alcohol) will lose effectiveness from contiguous use as the Human builds a tolerance to them.
“Paracelsus, sometimes called the father of toxicology, wrote:
German: Alle Ding’ sind Gift, und nichts ohn’ Gift; allein die Dosis macht, daß ein Ding kein Gift ist. “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous.”
Or, more commonly
“The dose makes the poison.”
That is to say, substances considered toxic are harmless in small doses, and conversely an ordinarily harmless substance can be deadly if over-consumed.”
Good for Marta! Treating it like no big deal or like something that isn’t horrifying is such a good step. Though Selkie’s expression at “tests” makes me wonder if some bully didn’t suggest something like that to her before…
I don’t think anyone has suggested this to her. Her bullies- which we are semi familiar with by now- stick to name calling, shirt steal and ball throwing and telling lies/unfounded assumptions and other petty things.
Selkie wants to be a mad little scientist. This is the best thing that could happen in away cuz now she’s bonding with her family, learning more about her self and learning more about science. Even if it does turn out that her saliva does cause rashes the next step will be, naturally, to find away around it which will result in more testing, more science.
And those very comic has cemented my idea that Marta is going to make a great aunt. Agreeing to be the testee is awesome of her to do
Great aunt? Someday she’s gonna be a great mother!
“Quick! There’s science to do!”
Teaches the scientific method, offers moral support, AND is willing to be the guinea pig. Go Marta!
Testing? Science?
Where’s GladOS and ASHPoD?
Seeing how the scene was not planned, I’m guessing her saliva will turn out to be as big an irritant to others as it is to Todd. Could be wrong, of course, but that’s my guess. 😉
Naah. Todd is a weakling from all those years of depriving himself of MEAT. I bet he’s a democrat, too.
(j/k btw)
See?! Perfect!
Now kiss me, in the name of SCIENCE!
I have to remember that one. Might make a good pick-up line one day.
These two comments = epic winning!! 😀
T-Shirt !!!!!!!!!
When ever we get some Selkie Merch to gobble up.
I am predicting a milder reaction from Martar but still a reaction.
I think I may be in love with Martha <3
so not gonna let the boyfriend read this comic, gotta keep her to myself xD
It’s great that Marta both explains very matter-of-factly, even greater that she agrees to test her own hypothesis without hesitation. Most kids hatebeing patronized and we’ve seen that Selkie in particular has a low tolerance for it.
Theo and Marigold have raised some pretty remarkable kids, from what we’ve seen so far: successful, smart, compassionate. That speaks volumes about the two of them as parents and individuals. With them as grandparents and Todd as her father, Selkie is in pretty good hands.
On an unrelated topic, has Selkie read the Hobbit yet? There was a Gollum reference a while back (I think).
Yeah, she called the clownfish shoes at C´est La Feet “my lovelies precious”; she doesn´t seem to have heard of Lord of the Rings yet, though. (“Lords of the whats nows?”)
That’s the one! Thanks, Chaos.
LOTR is probably a bit of a commitment for an under ten (it certainly was for me- didn’t read LOTR till I was fourteen). But I read The Hobbit long before I knew LOTR existed.
…and I’m probably going to read it this weekend, now. Whee!
Two minutes later…
Todd: “Epi pen! SOMEONE GET AN EPI PEN!!!”