Based this dialogue off the idea behind backwards-worn tiger masks, but apparently that’s a thing that no longer works because tigers are smart murder machines.
So, you know… do not actually try staring down a tiger. You’ll still get eaten, probably.
I think the adults expecting them to adhear to not using their power was kind of foolish in itself. One of them was bound to do it anyways.
With that being said, there’s a difference between being safe and being scared.
True, but it’s not a difference most grade schoolers are aware of.
You know. With all this being considered and everything there is a thought that comes to mind that I think you should consider Dave…. Echo Jewelry, with the advent of 3D printers and printing services it would be a fun idea to design and sell jewelry based around the echo tools shown in the comic like the original barrettes and now these diffusion pendants. I think a few of us would buy them. Just a thought.
*Fry “shut up and take my money” meme here*
That would be a really cool merch option. You could even do an option where it’s just the 3D model people could buy and print or have printed on their own, if that’d be more manageable.
Now, the only thing this idea lacks is someone to actually make such designs that both look decent and are printable. Not the easiest task if you ask me.
If I die because a murder kitty was smarter than expected, I die happy.
When it’s a “fight or flight” situation, I suppose Amada will strike before you even reach the “or” in that sentence.
Not because she’s impatient but because she already knows the answer – and probably the value of surprise in a fight.
I love how everyone keeps forgetting Selkie IS an apex predator.
Evidently, so is Amanda.
Not really? The giant eels explicitly hunt them regularly. Sarnothi are by definite not apex predators.
Apex predators can still get predated upon- humans get eaten by things, tigers get eaten by things, sharks get eaten by things.
I think the difference (if there even IS such a thing as an ‘apex’ predator) is that Apex predators will predate EVERYTHING/ANYTHING below them on the food chain- which is the case with the Sarnothi, as they eat the eels that sometimes eat them.
Predators can be co-apex, I think.