Selkie 2039 Mar03 by Dave on March 3, 2025 at 4:32 pm Chapter: comics Fashion disaster: averted? -edit- Next comic will be the Friday update. Getting backlogged on freelance work. └ Tags: Amanda, Andi, Pohl
So Selkie has swapped her ribbon out and Amanda has taken up one of her own! That’s a neat choice!
To be fair, black and green does clash horribly with Amanda’s hair.
Echo burn averted.
Verbal burn achieved.
Heh when he asks her to explain. she needs to very sarcastically ask:
“BLACK and GREEN? with MY Hair Color? UGH AS IF… ” with that UGH… face that only a pre teen with an attitude can muster.
(don’t blame me Sunny said it I ran with it)
And polka dots was her superior fashion solution?
Hey, when you’re already at the bottom, any direction is Up.