Sometimes when I play Ahri in League of Legends (a champion based off korean mythology about a fox spirit who eats human livers), I like to yell FEED ME YOUR LIVERS! as a battlecry.
Which probably says too much about how weird I can get. XD
Todd's dialogue on this page was borrowed from real life. I was INSUFFERABLE as a teenager.
And grandma wins the argument as far as Selkie is concerned.
Incorporate a child’s favorite food into your moral and they’ll eat it up!
Name one person who WASN’T insufferable as a teenager.
Well, obviously, I wasn’t. I was completely right, and the rest of you benefitted from my genius.
…………………. what?
Me I stay to myself.
Selkie is adorable.
Also those Spam protection questions are insane, 6+8??? Who the hell can answer questions like that. My calculator exploded.
The answer is always “42”.
Had to count that one on my fingers!
hee hee, todd’s face in the last panal cracks me up
I love it too
… considering I’ve heard “Property Damage!!!” and “I will feast upon your immortal souls” as battlecries, livers is pretty cool.
Personally though I tend to use “Boom for the boom gods!!!”
Mine has always been “Shoot the Hostages!”
Battle cry of the zombie maker (not me): C’mon back now, ya hear?
Mine: Ha, he’s dead. (I play sneaky people.)
Back before I dropped out of professional FPS, my battlecry of choice was “FOR THE WEASELS OF UNDEATH!”, second only to “I Hunger for a challenge, HAVE AT YOU!”
Both of which were keystrokes, because I didn’t like straining my voice ^__^
Mmm, liver…. but without onions?
The sort of funny thing is that most Oriental Mythologies have very similar creatures like that. Also I quite like Ahri but do not have the proper skill at tracking my opponents yet that would really help land her skill shots. Also I quite like Liver
How excited Selkie got for the Liver is the best part. Especially because Grandma clearly thought it was a threat directed at the rest of the family lol. Love it!
Todd’s face in the last panel FTW!
May I use it for a Gravatar?
Huh. That Ahri tid-bit is interesting.
… Y’know, my summoner name is Wisknort, if you’re open to invitations.
Agreed. Summoner name is Bahuserk, feel free to call me for a match.
Warning though, I’m not all that great.
“Selkie” chatroom on LoL. It’ll begin to give us all an idea of who’s on when.
Oooh, I like.
Last panel, Todd’s face. HILARIOUS. Like Wisknort, I play League of Legends and my summoner name is SpikyMarshmallow, if you’re interested in playing with fans from your comic. o 3o
…I like to play Riven, and when I have a warmogs and a bloodthirster I just dive into three of them and shout RIVEN GIVES NO %#*$!
(also this is my summoner name if you’re up for new friendly friends)
Boiled liver isn’t bad, but fried liver is even better. And just thinking of a sauce made from bits of fried liver makes me drool, so I’m with Selkie on the “LIVERS!” cry.
I’m with you. My mom makes awesome chicken livers, fried, I think. My whole family loves them.
Hmmm liver with a bowl of fava beans mmmmmm
Insufferable teenager is redundant.
Back when I was an insufferable teenager, I would have pointed out that pointing that out is redundant, but I’m no longer a teenager, so I won’t.
Now Selkie has to come up with a smart alecky comment. Hmmmmmm…
All I’m coming up with is “Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me–I’m the Tuna Fish man!” My sister used to say that. Meh.
I love the last panel “LIVER!”, Todd’s face and grandma’s face.
Grandma’s threats= 0$
Liver= 8$
Todd’s face and Selkie’s cheer= Priceless
My battlecry is either “For Narnia!” or “For pony!” both of which I picked up from the same friend.
I need a cooler battlecry.
“For pony!” is from the webcomic Looking For Group – relevant page:
Ha ha, yep. “For Pony” gives your battlecry webcomic cred.
For a time I used the battlecry “Fors glorys ands fishies!”
Haha, awesome! Thanks for the link.
And I love that one, Dave.
Phew. Crisis averted.
I was actually pretty concerned there!!
When I play LoL i like to shout out “I dont think so Tim”(for those of us who watched tool time) each time i dodge a gank or pull off a gank.
hmm, your spammy thing doesn’t think that 5+3=8. Hmm.
Anyway, as I was saying…
…Hanna, you’ve just made me add that comic to my list. Well played.
The question changes every so often. If you haven’t reloaded the page, you’re answering the ‘wrong’ question.
With all this talk of fried and boiled liver, why hasn’t anyone mentioned gizzards???
om nom nom… [swallow]
sorry, busy chewing
Those six plus Clyde make seven! It’s a banquet!!
Organs are essential with an all meat diet