edit 1-27-2025
Sorry for the late notice, been knocked out most of the day. Next update will be Wednesday. I’ve come down with something and I can barely manage to stay out of bed.
edit 1-27-2025
Sorry for the late notice, been knocked out most of the day. Next update will be Wednesday. I’ve come down with something and I can barely manage to stay out of bed.
So the young lady ( o_O 😋 ) might have not only pushed out too much juice at once, but at too fast a rate as well? Sprayed out the equivalent of a fire hose instead of the bathroom sink like she was expecting to?
Looking more and more like her Mum had a reason to tune the restricting hairpin up so high, and it wasn’t because she was using HERSELF as the baseline….
Trying to get m’head round the analogy– so there’s so much material, like current, at so high an energy, like voltage? That would make Selkie pretty dangerous– it’s the amps that get you.
Common misconception that it’s “the amps that get you”, and a very stubborn one at that: Low voltage (< 100V) but high amp can still be pretty safe, but 110V or 230V at 50/60HZ can already be lethal at 30mA.
It’s still a decent rule of thumb. Look what displays Tesla gave with low amperage and insanely high voltage. But your point is well taken, and I’m a common man.
Low voltage can also be lethal if it gets into wrong place e.g. messing the heart signals. But it usually doesn’t (terms and conditions may apply). Otherwise it’s just simply the power (i.e. voltage x current) that will boil your bodily liquids and fry your proteins.
Usually, you’ll need to increase voltage to get more current, so they go hand in hand. Electric arcs behave slightly differently, but if you get electric arcs through your body, I think the lethality is no longer a question to you (as you disintegrate) but those around you.
What I said in the 2nd chapter is only true if the source is not a limiting factor. Often it is, though, because it’s much easier to get high voltage than to keep it high.
Don’t forget that it’s possible that Plo Quar made the issue WORSE in trying to protect Selkie.
and she 100% takes the blame for not warning anyone that Selkie was a confirmed Echo ahead of time.
Given there’s at least hints that Plo Quar is involved in Then’s project, I suspect no one knowing Selkie was an Echo was intentional on her part. I think she wanted Selkie as far away from that project as possible.
Ohhh, so what I’m hearing is she just needs a current limiting resistor. XD
Wait that’s what the barrette is
This is fun! Where does the heat go?
Water is a heat sink. It sucks it out.
No, water is a poor conducter of heat.
Perhaps the resistor transforms it to another energy, possibly sass.
20 times better than air, but still not terrific– the resistor would still get hot, and there’d be a heat bloom for predators to follow.
I can reply to my own comments! This is a game changer!
Water has good heat capacity, though, so it’s good at transferring heat as long as it flows. And maybe there is some echo-magi-tech way to dissipate heat to water more efficiently – or maybe it just needs huge surface area. A large fin or fins, perhaps.
Still, while I like the idea of Selkie acting like a free swimming nuclear rod bundle, I love the idea of echo-powered sass generator even more. ^^
Besides, I think the biggest problem would be that warm water stores much less oxygen, so heating the water might cause breathing problems to Selkie and all other Sarnothi near her.
Hope you feel better soon!! Being sick SUCKS ðŸ˜