It’s exciting times around here. My cousin and her husband are having a baby today. Could be by the time I wake up in the morning. O_o
I dunno why, but I went back and forth on whether Marta should say "totally" or the more slang-y "totes".
It’s exciting times around here. My cousin and her husband are having a baby today. Could be by the time I wake up in the morning. O_o
Discussion (43) ¬
Reminds me of every experience I have ever had with Schipperke dogs.
And I just love Marta and her sense of humor!
-stares at Clyde continuously barking-…………………………-takes a deep breath and barks/howls like a basset-hound-
heehheheheheh I’m so evil.
Oh yeah the art…it will be done soon took a break before I went off and over did it. did a selkie dump of the anonymity of her hands and feet.
Best way to shut up our chihuahua is to start hyperkinetically barking BACK at her when she barks.
It *does* make the neighbors wonder a bit when you do it out the kitchen window, though…
but it makes the world happy… Well to my point of view…..
We have a Jack Russell Terrier and a long-haired Chihuahua. Both of them are pretty well-behaved, but the Chihuahua will get the terrier barking on occasion. The JRT is totally QUIET when the Chihuahua isn’t around. He is a fabulously well-behaved dog on his own.
The chihuahua, OTOH, is headed for the frypan if this keeps up.
I do that sometimes at yappity cat-sized dogs… well, whenever I don’t drive their owners crazy by using body language the freak the dog out further. I’ve only once met a cat-size dog (not to mention smaller) that was well-behaved. In my experience they’re almost all psychotic and should be put down for the sake of neighbourly peace. (I like cats better. :P)
Lost it at the “I am totally going to pee on that”; I think it works better than “totes”, seems more natural, but that might just be me.
I agree on “totally” working better there… and also on the giggle-worthiness of the sentence it was used in.
Know why it works? I just realized: It’s because Marta is a ‘Goblins’ fan!
My chocolate lab and welsh corgie would tackle that dog and force him to play with them until he grew to like it.
That went… far smoother than I expected. Not even a pause between Selkie saying “Hello” and Marta and Antoine returning it. Man, I like that family.
Also, I couldn’t hold back my laughter at that last line. Gold, man, pure gold!
That is an awfully low car hood if it only comes up to an 8-year-old’s belly button. (that is, if she *has* a belly button.)
Well, as they say around here, dogs that bark don´t bite. Beats her introduction to Crook, I guess.
The small yappy ones also bite.
Sympathies! Never met a terrier who realised I existed above the ankle.
You’re just meeting the wrong type of terriers. Mine is a meter tall – I promise she knows you exist about the ankle! And she doesn’t yap mindlessly either.
You’re right, I need to move in better terrier circles.
Higher terriertory, as it were.
There are actual real people that say something like “totes”?
Yeah, in a reflexive way, for “yeah” or “sure”.
I don’t do it myself, but I tend to use other languages (はい(Hai), and Verily) and say things like “Affirmative” at times, so I’d be a hypocrite if I didn’t cut them slack for differences from normal.
I have never heard someone say “totes” for anything but, well, when you’re toting things around the place, like shopping bags. (He totes, she totes, they totes…)
But I suppose you have a point about having an eclectic vocabulary.
Never met a dog that I liked… Met a few that I could tolerate, but not like (the feeling has always been mutual). Little toy-breed yippy dogs top the list of those I -don’t- like. >:P I’d probably just growl quietly at it until it got the hint.
That is why I do not like tiny dogs.
Totally came out better there, methinks, because totes is usually used stand-alone as a response, not as a catch-all replacement.
I love that they’re both very obviously shocked, but having been prepared they get over it in short order. This only makes me think well of Selkie’s grandparents’ excellent raising techniques ^__^
IDK how I feel about Clyde. He looks like a stuff animal a bit with the size.
Hahaha THE EYES when they saw Selkie…. and then how fast they go back to normal :3
These are good people
I like the looks on the faces in the third frame. I’m sure she gets that look EVERY TIME she meets somebody new. Wonder if she’s used to it by now, ignores it, is offended by it. Wonder how long it’s gonna take before Todd starts getting offended by it.
I’m glad you said “totally”, ’cause if you had said “totes” I wouldn’t have understood what she meant.
I think, all things considered that Antoine´s and Marta´s reactions are very tame compared to what Selkie must have seen by now. Even Todd had to force back a “What are you?” the first time.
congratulations to your cousin! Also, Selkie is so cute.
Is how he says all those things at the same time, what follows is unpleasant.
What happened to those red, itchy patches on Todd’s face?
Artist Error. I don’t know why, but when I get to the coloring stage I forget Todd’s itchy patches like… half the time. >_< I need to just put a big billboard by my desk to remind me.
Skya, no weird reactions at all! (Besides the wide eyes for a moment)
Hahahaha, I like Marta’s sense of humor. xD
PS: Tell your cousin congratulations for us! ^O^
lol little dogs XD
I prefer slightly bigger dogs like pits rotts and aussie shepards. and english bulldogs…and dobermans….less noisy XD
You and I have clearly met different bulldogs. My old girl snores, snorts, belches, farts, coughs, hacks, sneezes, and talks in her sleep. Growls at my auto-traders too, for some reason (?).
+1 on “totally” being a better choice. I see Marta as being mid-late 20s or early 30s, and I see “totes” as being more used by teenagers or early 20s.
(Cf course that’s from my perspective as a late-20something and not having heard much usage of “totes” until recently from some 16-19 year olds)
Was I the only one who read Clyde’s barking as the chorus to “Bad Romance”?
oooh now i cant get it out of my head
thanks now i cant read this page again without laughting 
I was a little worried the dog was only going to bark at Selkie… but no, he’s just a jerk.
I should note that my kid is like that with dogs — she likes the idea of them, but if they bark or jump or even want to sniff her hand too quickly, she’s all EEK! (Frankly, she’s kind of high-strung, like a small dog, herself. Though she doesn’t bark at people much. More likely to dragon-growl… >_> )
Love, love, love. Have you thought about doing a book of Selkie at some point? I would totally buy it.
Oo- yes, I agree, good suggestion Fey. How about it, Dave? I for one would preorder.
Sorry, I meant to respond to this earlier, but kept slipping away from it.
I’ve actually considered this, extensively, and shopped around a lot of print-to-order places. What I keep finding is that since the comic is in full color, printing even just the first 50 pages is a bit on the expensive side. But print editions is definitely something I am looking into down the line. I am also looking into e-book options.