Where was Amanda’s barrette during the wedding? It was not visible in any frame that she was in. But she obviously still needs it because she is wearing it now.
It was an art mistake that I chose to let rest for the sake of consistency. If needed to provide a canon explanation, I’ve just been working with the idea she had it tucked in under her hair since it was fuller and wavier while done up for the wedding and could conceivably have hidden the barrette for the day.
Does she need to wear it on her head? They have nitro patches for people with heart problems. And most people wear them on their chest near their heart. But the nitro can cause headaches. So some people wear them lower on their torso, getting them further away from their head and making the headache stop.
Does she need to wear that on her head, or would anywhere on her body work? Like having it made is a locket, so she’s always wearing it around her neck?
I’m a binge reader, so I rarely actually keep up on a comic. My current set is Selkie, El Goonish Shive, Forward (by tailsteak), and xkcd.
I’ve recently gotten caught up with Girl Genius, Order of the Stick, and Gunnerkrigg Court (which has gotten WEIRD). I’m caught up on Lackadaisy (though I still have more animated shorts to watch) and mostly caught up on Kevin and Kell and Freefall, and I think Erfworld has stopped for good so I might reread that in full at some point.
So now it’s time to pull out my scuba gear and take the plunge into the big boys — the giant tales I lost track of ages ago and will have to reread from the start:
Schlock Mercenary
Sluggy Freelance
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic
Dreamland Chronicles
…maybe Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes, but ye gods that’s a depressing worldbuild that seems to have no light at the end of the tunnel, so I need to be in the right mood for that one.
…yeah, I’d say that’s the short list, at least.
Which ones would you recommend for me to take a look at?
At some point the author decided to switch from 3d to regular comic art, and then to go back through the original series and redraw it? Can’t lie, I’m kinda disappointed; the 3d art was a major point of interest for me. But last time I looked into it, the 3d versions were still around, just a little hard to find on the website or something.
So I’ve heard. My brain’s still kinda panicking about trying to get through that much content again ;^_^
But there’s a reason our computer’s name is Ennesby. And I look forward to getting back to all the worldbuilding (universebuilding?) and the parts that were so awesome the first time through that I managed to get my dad invested enough to read it on his own.
I love Schlock Mercenary, although I will say I found the last few chapters hard to follow (as in “Wait, who is this character? Should I know them?”). Maybe just a me problem. And maybe it would be clearer on a straight-through archive read, come to think of it.
My current keep-up-with-regularly list is Gunnerkrigg Court, Selkie, Carry On, and Twin Dragons. Kevin and Kell and xkcd are on my catch-up-occasionally list.
Yes, what is it about reading a book that seems to mean, “Talk to me” for some people?
I’m totally with Amanda here. Nothing more irritating that when I’m reading in the breakroom at work and people insist on socializing with me. 😀
Ahhhh .. Amanda showing the wisdom of not poking her head into government related crap. Good girl.
Where was Amanda’s barrette during the wedding? It was not visible in any frame that she was in. But she obviously still needs it because she is wearing it now.
It was an art mistake that I chose to let rest for the sake of consistency. If needed to provide a canon explanation, I’ve just been working with the idea she had it tucked in under her hair since it was fuller and wavier while done up for the wedding and could conceivably have hidden the barrette for the day.
Does she need to wear it on her head? They have nitro patches for people with heart problems. And most people wear them on their chest near their heart. But the nitro can cause headaches. So some people wear them lower on their torso, getting them further away from their head and making the headache stop.
Does she need to wear that on her head, or would anywhere on her body work? Like having it made is a locket, so she’s always wearing it around her neck?
I have a group of web comics i visit every day. Yours is one of them. Nice surprise.
I’m a binge reader, so I rarely actually keep up on a comic. My current set is Selkie, El Goonish Shive, Forward (by tailsteak), and xkcd.
I’ve recently gotten caught up with Girl Genius, Order of the Stick, and Gunnerkrigg Court (which has gotten WEIRD). I’m caught up on Lackadaisy (though I still have more animated shorts to watch) and mostly caught up on Kevin and Kell and Freefall, and I think Erfworld has stopped for good so I might reread that in full at some point.
So now it’s time to pull out my scuba gear and take the plunge into the big boys — the giant tales I lost track of ages ago and will have to reread from the start:
Schlock Mercenary
Sluggy Freelance
Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic
Dreamland Chronicles
…maybe Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes, but ye gods that’s a depressing worldbuild that seems to have no light at the end of the tunnel, so I need to be in the right mood for that one.
…yeah, I’d say that’s the short list, at least.
Which ones would you recommend for me to take a look at?
I think Goblins got a lot less depressing after the author realised she was trans and began transitioning.
I too should go read Dreamland Chronicles from the start. I lost track of that one long long ago. Goblins too for that matter.
Lmfao, most of the comics you listed i can’t stand.
Monster Pulse was pretty good if you never read it.
Ten years, huh? Well hey, I’m open to any comic that’s actually completed its run; I’ll give it a shot!
At some point the author decided to switch from 3d to regular comic art, and then to go back through the original series and redraw it? Can’t lie, I’m kinda disappointed; the 3d art was a major point of interest for me. But last time I looked into it, the 3d versions were still around, just a little hard to find on the website or something.
If it’s any encouragement, Schlock Mercenary finished a few years ago. So you only have 20 years of daily comics to make your way through, not 24. 🙂
So I’ve heard. My brain’s still kinda panicking about trying to get through that much content again ;^_^
But there’s a reason our computer’s name is Ennesby. And I look forward to getting back to all the worldbuilding (universebuilding?) and the parts that were so awesome the first time through that I managed to get my dad invested enough to read it on his own.
I love Schlock Mercenary, although I will say I found the last few chapters hard to follow (as in “Wait, who is this character? Should I know them?”). Maybe just a me problem. And maybe it would be clearer on a straight-through archive read, come to think of it.
My current keep-up-with-regularly list is Gunnerkrigg Court, Selkie, Carry On, and Twin Dragons. Kevin and Kell and xkcd are on my catch-up-occasionally list.
Way to go Selkie.
I just noticed. Extra S only twice. First frame – has Dad talkeds. The last frame – do you thinks.
Girl is getting better.
I’ve been thinking his for the past few pages but has the art recently had a huge jump in quality? This page in particular is impressive to me
Always love pages where the girls are acting like sisters. Shows how far they’ve come 😁💙
Hmm… Panel 2, first balloon; whom is speaking?
I can guess “Amanda”, but you ARE forcing us to guess.