Leave some for everyone else, kiddo.
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You sound like you’ve
got a lot going on!
Bridesmaid, now meeting
more sarnothi.
Yeah! Super excite!
So, what meat do
you want to go with all
that good fortune?
Ones of everything,
everywhere, all ats once.
How about we
start with one
steak each and
go from there.
Goods start.
Baby steps for
You sound like you’ve
got a lot going on!
Bridesmaid, now meeting
more sarnothi.
Yeah! Super excite!
So, what meat do
you want to go with all
that good fortune?
Ones of everything,
everywhere, all ats once.
How about we
start with one
steak each and
go from there.
Goods start.
Baby steps for
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Meat me in Saint Louie, Louie! (and welcome back to the weekly grind hereabouts)
The fun thing about buffets or potlucks. You get to try a little bit of everything.
On a weird side note, I sometimes have nightmares about people stealing my food at a potluck and then there is nothing left when I go to get a replacement plate of food. Never actually had that happen, so no idea what brought that on.
movie reference ahoy!!
I got that movie reference!
I just gotta say I love Selkie’s family. She’s a carnivore and Todd is willing to cook the right stuff for her and learn, despite being vegetarian.
Like Noah, Selkie will have two of every animal.
It’s been a while since I’ve seen a comment that made me wish we had a “like” feature. But here we are.
I did in fact laugh out loud. Thank you! 🙂
Someone remind Selkie that meat comas are a thing.
Considering she’d be forswearing the starches and vegetables that normally fill a balanced dinner plate (for humans) her eating about triple whatever the standard portion of meat is (for a 9 year old) would actually be very normal.
Then again, this is set in the USA; the “normal” meat portions are already pretty large (especially in a restaurant). These factors might cancel out.
OMG, love Selkie’s movie reference line!!