B/W comic due to some time mis-management, will update with colors later this evening.
Also, saw a few comments about pop-ups when back clicking on the site’s navigation links. I have not made any changes or updates to the site beyond standard WordPress updates, so I’m afraid I’m at a loss right now for what could be causing this. For now as I look around a bit more, I suggest running a malware scanner (Malwarebytes is my go-to) and clear your browser cache. Please make sure you know passwords to websites that you may have gotten used to auto-logging into before you clear browser cookies.
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Is Tehk looking for a fight? Or a date?
Well, if he just wants to know…I want Amanda to scare him brown.
Why not both?
Not sure if Amanda would be the type to be into that. At least she seems to take pride of her own troublemaking skills. But maybe not outright bullying.
Was Tehk a bully in his sarnothi school, by any chance?
He’s always felt like a trouble-maker to me. I can’t really relate to being displaced from your home territory so I can’t tell how much his disdain for humans/others is born from the exile… But he’s got a tongue as sharp as his teeth at least.
Oh Amanda. Time to call your Mom or Dad and have them get the authorities out.
I was about to say exactly this. Tehk is a bully and is jockeying for leverage.
Time to call the parents.
What, and let it be known that she didn’t manage to keep the secret for one class? Never!
Hardly her fault, but she’s not gonna think that.
This is the time to point an adult at the problem STAT.
Calling it now: Amanda doesn’t call her parents. Meets Tehk at recess. Takes off the barrette and blows a hole in something that is hopefully not Tehk. Or one of the other kids.
NDAs for everyone by the time this school day is over.
NDAs are aspirin for confidential information. Uncle Sam serves up morphine dissolved in ether for classified stuff.”
He’s gonna confess his love of course!
Don’t you peopleses watch your anime?
usuaually take a bunch of seasons for the female Tsundere and the male Tsundere to get together.
This will not end well.
My guess is that Tehk is gunna tell her she’s gotta give it back, the technology is not a toy, he understands how much she wants to do it, but it is not for humans, it’s far too dangerous, etc
Unless of course he gives some thought before now and recess as to if there is actually any Sarnothi technology that turns eyes into lasers… I’m not sure there is, or there’d be a lot of Sarnothi troops out there wearing little green barrettes.
I could be giving him too much benefit of the the doubt, of course…
Yeah… I don’t really see Tehk as being the one to enforce the rules here. This is just simple blackmail. He’s found leverage and he’s gonna come up with a way to profit from it. Hell, with his personality? Getting her to do something she doesn’t want to for him might be its own reward.
Until he tries taking that barrette from her and makes the horrific discovery that it’s a suppressor and not the enhancer he thinks it is. This is happening because he thinks she stole it and now he believes he’s got blackmail material on her. It’s possible that the outcome is a Very Terrified Tehk Who Will Keep His Dang Mouth Shut. (not likely, but possible)
Considering he literally just messed with technology he clearly recognized without so much as a second thought, I seriously doubt he wants to warn her of the dangers of their technology.
I hope someone brings the hammer down on this kid.
Oh for sure he doesn’t want to warn her about anything. He thinks she stole it and is going to try to use it to blackmail her somehow. Tehk is not a good kid. I agree about the hammer. I think he might end up getting a laser hammer at recess.
Amanda, get Selki to call your dad. She has that mobile phone strapped to her waist for a reason and bonus points the black suits will yell at Tehk not you.
If Amanda was smart, the first thing she’d do is go tell an adult.
I find it kind of absurd that the government didn’t contact the school and teachers about this in advanced. Especially considering they are essentially bringing weapons in to school.
Especially since the principal is “on the inside.”
If nothing else, I hope Amanda realizes he did not say to meet him *alone*. Selkie could be useful backup here.
“Then Amanda called Agent Smith, and Tehk was never heard from or seen again…”
@Dave FWIW I haven’t seen any popups (though I run Firefox which seems to be rather draconian about enforcing popup blocking). It may be useful to ask folks to take screenshots of your ad sidebars when they see popups, in the off chance it’s a miscreant ad injecting the popups. Otherwise yeah, it’s probably malware on their end.
I was expecting more of a “what are you?” type reaction, but perhaps Tehk hasn’t really thought through the implications of those laser burns appearing after he turned the barrette off.
I can’t edit my post, but I thought I’d added closing tags. I only meant to italicize “are” and “off” in my previous post.
I’m really hoping she’ll invoke some MiBs to take care of this boy, maybe even inviting them along to the meeting. They can wait around the corner, let Tehk run his mouth, then they pop out to explain what’s really going to happen, or else.
I like this idea. I was thinking that Then could show up in his “cloak of invisibility” instead of waiting around the corner.
invisibility cloak’s busted, remember.
Doh! I had forgotten that.