Belated happy post-food-coma-holiday to you all
↓ Transcript
SCAR: This is not bad reading! Is close to mine when I was child, yes?
SELKIE: How ams I supposed to do a test? I can only glows.
SCAR: When Amanda was making with her lasers, what were you hearing of?
SELKIE: I don'ts knopw. It didn't sound different. But it kind of felt like pushing, maybe?
SCAR: Try to follow that feels, yes? Push to the target of booms.
SELKIE: Okay. I'll try... Try to make a boom...
SELKIE: How ams I supposed to do a test? I can only glows.
SCAR: When Amanda was making with her lasers, what were you hearing of?
SELKIE: I don'ts knopw. It didn't sound different. But it kind of felt like pushing, maybe?
SCAR: Try to follow that feels, yes? Push to the target of booms.
SELKIE: Okay. I'll try... Try to make a boom...
Toying with the idea that they both perceive it differently. Not fully decided yet as far as establishing canon, but that feels right to me
Jamie loves big boom. 💥
Oh Dear. Boom incoming.
If there was supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom, I have yet to hear it. Perhaps there is something wrong with the implodium-P36 explosive space modulator igniter.
No boom today. Boom tomorrow.
Sooner or later, boom!
Ivanova’s Law is like Ivanova’s love: Hard and Fast!
Boom at midnight.
Scar seems to have drunk deeply of the parent-ade.
I would feel so sorry for her if she only makes it half way and then *Fzt*
C’mon Selkie! You can do it! Esplode the testing device!