For those who may not have seen the Twitter or Discord updates, my Facebook Account got hacked over the weekend. I still need to regain access, but until further notice be cautious of anything that comes from my or the Selkie/SnK facebook accounts.
↓ Transcript
KEISHA is sitting at her desk, zoning out as she tries to pay attention to the day's lessons.
AMANDA passes her a note from off-panel.
"We're sorry we were mean.
An arrow points to a different set of handwriting.
KEISHA passes a note form off-panel to AMANDA. behind her HEATHER is leaning over her desk, waiting to see the reply.
KEISHA'S note:
"I can be mean to. Gimme your lunch money. Lol. *winking emoji*""
AMANDA sticks her tongue out at KEISHA playfully.
AMANDA passes her a note from off-panel.
"We're sorry we were mean.
An arrow points to a different set of handwriting.
KEISHA passes a note form off-panel to AMANDA. behind her HEATHER is leaning over her desk, waiting to see the reply.
KEISHA'S note:
"I can be mean to. Gimme your lunch money. Lol. *winking emoji*""
AMANDA sticks her tongue out at KEISHA playfully.
Conflict resolution that doesn't involve projectile vomiting? Heresy.
My Facebook account got hacked over the weekend too.
I severed my ties with his enterprise several years ago, so I am still safe.
I never had one. When I looked at how it was *supposed* to work I just said “nope” and never looked back.
Brothrr Parvus, you’re not safe. Facebook still has whatever you posted on it.
I had a co-worker who terminated his Facebook account years ago, told them to delete all his info and they confirmed they did so. Several years later he went back to Facebook because his grandkids were posting on it and he wanted to keep up with them. All his old information was still there.
What’s a Facebook?
Amanda looks cute with the different hair.
These kids are delightful. I’d gladly adopt those currently un-homed if I could.
I love this page and everything that happens on it.
Anybody remember that song from the Idunno, 80s? by the RollingStones,
Emotional Blackmail? I just don’t remember there being a verse like that when Amanda sings it. You know the one:
I’ll be your bestie, steadfast and true,
But I won’t fall your emotional blackmail, …