I am sorry to do this, but this past weekend was packed with school-related stuff I had to do, and getting a regular comic done just kind of slipped away. I apologize for the unannounced sketch day, but don’t worry I will make sure Thursday has a regular strip.
On the plus side, I was blessed with Fan Art this weekend. I’m excited to share two pieces, first from DSHigsby, inspired by the Maiden and the Eel sketch I posted a few weeks ago:
And second is a cute piece by Christina Rudenborg:
Thank you both!
See if you can find Wonder Woman's invisible jet. Hint: it's invisible.
also your welcome I just hope it’s ok.
Haha:) And nice art, DSHigsby! I did finally see and post yours on Shards last week I believe. Thanks for the art!
Dave> No worries. If anyone’s truly bored, they can go catch up on Shards LOL. I posted!
Wet creature, dry humour.
The detail in Wonder Woman’s invisible jet is incredible, I’m quite impressed!
I don’t see any…
…oh, right, I get it!
Refreshing to see you’re not squeamish about showing fanart with a nipple