on August 20, 2014
at 12:08 am
Bam. Easy.
The final decision on the name debate went through about four revisions, one of which included what might have been a cute (or more likely super-cheesy) scene where she used her chosen name to re-introduce herself to Todd and they hugged.
Just when she thought she’d outsmarted them
Poor Selkie, thinking that she had to throw one of her names away.
There was a small part of me hoping for Nei Li, as the name her mother gave her and cultural heritage and all, but that’d mean changing the name of the comic…
Not necessarily. Several people go by their middle names. At least where I live. And it is the strangest thing to me since I wasn’t born here, but my husband is one of the people who goes by his middle name.
Funny story. He introduced himself to me with his middle name and didn’t learn his first name until six weeks later when I saw his diploma on the wall. XD
My mom’s dad hated both his names, and went by “Jack.” Story goes that my mom’s mom didn’t hear his real name(s) till the preacher said, “Do you take Clarence Perry…”
I once worked very closely with someone I knew as Randy for a year before I found out his “real” name was Kurt Randall.
It was only in my teens that I learned that my father’s name wasn’t actually Steve…
I agree Selkie. FFFFFFFF!
fffffffFFFFFARRRGH!, even.
Myoko called it 🙂
Though in a different order 🙂
o/ I feel achieved somehow. XD
What the hell is Todd eating? It looks like a twig from a tree. I know he’s a vegetarian, and I figured he’d have a skewer with tofu and stuff on it, but two leaves on a branch?
Maybe I should have drawn them bigger. He’s roasting pears.
(the grill is part of the Dave Is Finishing The Backgrounds Forgive Me update on its way)
Take your time. I’m sure most people will agree we’re too busy being amused by Selkie’s reaction to care.
Why would you skewer them in that direction? I’d go straight through the core.
Roasted pears sounds awesome, by the way.
The core is very fibrous, it’s harder to stick things through it lengthvise. And you’ll risk breaking up the fruit.
Maybe you wrote in pears, but he decided he wanted leaves.
On a separate note: Can we appreciate that Selkie wants to be a kind person? I think that stands out in a kid.
*Way* overthought the matter, huh? Could’a wound up one of those “no middle initial” people…
Dave, when you get a break from updating the comic, please do treat us to alternate-timeline cute and cheesy re-introduction scene. I for one would very much like to see how it played out in your head 🙂
Second that. Maybe a Saturday sketch day? I know, just what you need, more work …
Hey its been FOREVER since I did one…
Aaaaaaand her head explodes! /snicker!
Why not just make her full name this:
First Name: Selkie
Middle Name: Nei Li
Last Name: Smith
Because she decided that her full name is Nei Li Selkie Smith.
I don’t get what the family means about “throwing away your name”, since that’s exactly what Selkie didn’t do. She didn’t decide to go by just one name, she decided to keep both, and let people call her Selkie. What’s so difficult to understand there?
Selkie thought she needed to completely get rid of one of the names, meaning she would be only Selkie OR Nei Li, and if she chose one the other is gone forever. Meanwhile Todd wants to know what name she wants to use mainly.
Using both names at the same time is unhandy, and would inevitably get shortened to something disgusting like NLS, because noone can get people to constantly call him by a 4 syllable 3 word name, unless he is that persons boss. Anything above 2 usually gets you a nickname pretty fast, because people are lazy.
Thus, the decision is needed what to say when shouting “x, come and do the dishes!”. Of course, the full name is still very useful when angry with the person. Imagine your mother coming up to you saying something like “Nei Li Selkie Smith, …” That obviously means that you are in a shitload of trouble.
She said she’d let people call her Selkie. Again, isn’t that exactly what the adults wanted?
However, that doesn’t specify which name she WANTS people to use.
Ahahahahahahah! Back to square 1
When I met my husband, he introduced himself as his nickname, not his proper name. Very seldom he go by his proper name.
When I met my husband, he introduced himself as his nickname, not his proper name. Very seldom he goes by his proper name.
Poor Selkie! Just when she thought she had it all figured out. haha
I love all they all just let her have her drama moments. It’s like full permission to be herself no matter what.
That is adorable. 🙂
Someone should tell Selkie that openly saying she is a mistress could get her some really weird stares from people. And maybe Todd gets a visit from the police
panels 6 and 7 best selfie faces ever lol.
“I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear” made me laugh SO HARD XD
Still scrolled down to say again that “I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear” is one of the best lines in this story.