And here we have a peek at the Smith family Thanksgiving. Or Fishgiving, apparently. 😀
This is technically in the future in-universe. Time travel!
↓ Transcript
Since my handwriting is atrocious, I am going to use the transcript box for it's intended purpose for once. 😀
Grandma (Mari): Anybody want catfish?
Grandpa (Theo): So, does that make this Fish-giving?
Todd: Fish-mas!
Selkie: Eeee! Yums!
Marta: Anybody want pie? I'm taking the pie.
Antoine: That's cooked, right? This a sushi thing?
Grandma (Mari): Anybody want catfish?
Grandpa (Theo): So, does that make this Fish-giving?
Todd: Fish-mas!
Selkie: Eeee! Yums!
Marta: Anybody want pie? I'm taking the pie.
Antoine: That's cooked, right? This a sushi thing?
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Ah, Thanksgiving. When all the American webcomics I read take a few days off.
Dammit, people! How dare you have holidays that I don’t?
Ha ha, I feel your pain. I have to endure holiday break comics too. XD
If you missed it, I did do a Thursday comic this week, despite the holiday. Check and see!
Holy crap, you did too. That’s what I get for checking in late.
Thanks for letting me know! Happy Thanksgiving!
I wish we had Thanksgiving too – any reason to gather the family together to gorge on good food sounds good to me!
Tangent> Apologies to you if you read ours and saw a new color poster instead of a scheduled strip:) I make it clear to our readers that if the holiday falls on a Monday or Thursday they’ll get a holiday one instead but the newer readers may not realize that. It does gimme a little break though, and I’m glad, cuz I have a 2 week old, a 3 year old, and a husband LOL. If you haven’t already, check us out!
A lot of the webcomics I read do take holiday breaks with silly pictures or doodles, but as they state their intentions beforehand, I tend not to be upset myself. Selkie was one of the few that actually updated on Thursday – a few with update day on Thursday updated instead on Friday. I’m more annoyed of not having a good excuse to stuff my face with yummy goodness. Guess I’ll have to do it without excuse, then. 😛
Hope they all had a nice Thanksgiving dinner….
I don’t understand this spam thing
Sorry about that, I have to use it to block automated advertising programs.
Is this a reference to the Bearenstien bears christmas special?
Could fish-mas be a Pocket God reference?