Snafucon Break
on October 6, 2017
at 1:19 am
Currently in Reno for Snafucon and a fun visit with my friends Jade and Trevor from Shards. Selkie will resume Monday. Have a good weekend!
Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.
Have fun! Try not to get Con Crud! 🙂
What is “Con Crud”?
When you get sick from the bajillion people who all came from different areas and are now breathing the same air.
Hope you all have a fantastic time!
Your avatar looks amazingly like Gromet, from Nick Park. But perhaps, merely like and not just like. Still, well done!
Ahhhhhhhhhh, live cliff-hanger, live cliff-hanger, call the chem squad to denature it!
What? This isn’t one of those enzymatic cliff-hangers, is it?
(Samuel Jackson voice) “What’s in your cliff-hanger response kit?.”
You are a tease. A terrible tease T.T
You should come to DragonCon next year!
For a second I thought the carpet was some kind of ritual symbol.