(See you Monday).
Oh and also, I am giving Adsense another try for ad space, but I am not sure yet how to filter out the ads with embedded audio. So if anyone runs across an ad with embedded audio, let me know if you could? Thank you.
Paul Griers is the fourth member of the supporting cast to be a repurposed character from a superhero story I have had bouncing through my head ever since high school. The other three are Ricky (the orphan with the triangle hair) Marta (Selkie's aunt) and Alexis (Jessie's ex-girlfriend).
Shoes are sandals.
Just in case you’re interested. 😀
Yes so true, forbidden place is the first place to go.
My brother has one. XD
Take your pick;
Obviously Mr Griers doesn’t know Selkie. We’ve heard that sound before and it ain’t no cry for help! In fact, given the ‘you-bitches-are-mine’ look on Selkie’s face the last time we saw her, I wouldn’t be surprized if we next see the three bullies crying for help.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it doubles as a cry for help, like a human scream could be one of rage or terror.
HAH, I thought that guy seemed very heroic. After reading the transcript, now I know why.
I feel like Jessie should look more professional than that hat dictates.
I feel like Jessie is only sort-of thinking about how her clothes affect those kind of perceptions. She’s still learning. XD
I thought she did it so she’d seem less “adult”, and more relatable to the children (which she seems to be), to act as an effective bridge in communication and viewpoints of the two.
I… I might think too much… for anyone’s good >__>
I like that idea, though!
I suppose that’s true. Her hair is another thing that’s unprofessional. In fact, I find it strange she has a teaching job at all with hair like that.
Its a public school, not a privet or religious run one. Hats and colored hair are fairly normal from my experiences.
Not from mine. I attended 2 different public high schools and the dress codes for teachers and teaching assistants were pretty strict. You had to dress fairly conservative (Nothing skimpy or revealing for the female teachers. Simple dress attire for the men such as a button up shirt, slacks and a tie.) very simple jewelry, no more piercings than just ears for the women, men couldn’t wear any at all. Hair styles and colors had to be considered normal. No crazy colors or non-natural colors. Hair cuts or styles had to be fairly simple. Some teachers wore hats or a scarf, but they were all very, very normal.
I’m not sure what religion or privately run has to do with anything. Maybe I just went to an upscale public school or something, but the whole affair was pretty tight on clothing for teachers as to set a good example for the students.
Same here. My teachers all had to dress very conservatively. I saw my math teacher being lectured in the hall after he painted his face for a big game with our school’s rivals.
He wasn’t wearing the paint in school, the dean was just very unhappy that the paint had stained the teacher’s skin and couldn’t be washed off completely.
But then, dress codes vary widely between school districts.
In both my schools the pupils had a strict dress code (that, admittedly, got less strict over time). The teachers on the other hand could wear whatever they wanted as long as it was safe to do so. Some wore adult versions of the pupil uniforms, but most just wore casual clothes.
Our dress code was simple the teachers had to follow the same basic dress code as the students. Some just chose to dress more professional.
XD Jessie’s hat reminds me of my InuYasha hat… when it was still white.
I know a website that has a link you can click “If the ad is making noise or flashing”:
I don’t know much about this sort of thing, but maybe if you look at their solution, it will work for you.
Mr. Griers it taaaaaaall.
So very, very tall.
I’m an 5 on the Kinsey scale.
May I please marry Paul Giers.