For those who may have started following recently, I like to do shorts with the supporting cast between longer stories. I also kind of wish I could’ve squeezed in more of Sandy, Wu, Hamud, and Moonsong in the school storyline (Wu and Sandy got one page before dodgeball started, Hamud only got a couple pages as Amanda’s victim, and Moonsong didn’t appear at all), so they get the short focus this time around.
Also, I saw Brave yesterday. Great movie if you get a chance!
I also got a cute drawing of Selkie in the email, from Stray Harlequin:
Sandy's missing tooth was a last-minute idea that I really think adds character to her.
also given her common ancestry with a cannonball missing tooth just kinda fits
Your comment there could use a few Oxford commas…I thought for a moment that “Sandra Wu Hamud” was her full name.
Hooray, I made a difference! For what it’s worth, that was my only criticism.
omg that fanart is so cute i’m so jealous because i couldn’t make one so cute if my life depended on it ;~; oh, right, Selkie is good comics yes. :3
Hmmm…Sandy and wu. Any connection with a certain other webcomic?
There may be a shout going out, yes.
TECHNICALLY, ambulances go out to people who ALREADY had an accident…. so I see now reason Sandy should listen to her XD awesome page!
I love the two different colored eyes too. And my name is Sandra…I giggled throught this comic because I used to run like crazy just like that!
*through even
So, why is she acting like that? Not the hyperactivity, I mean, that´s normal for her, but she´s extremely excited about something and wants to tell her best friend.
My guess is, either she or someone else of the “good guys gang” (which consists of her, Wu, Georgie and Moonsong) is getting adopted.
Well, either that, or Hamud´s parents turned up alive and well.
Or someone needs help with the babies again and Asked her to find others to help.
I think she sounds a bit too enthusiastic for simply getting to play with the babies.
Never stop making this comic. I just read through the archives and realized how devastated I’d be if we never got to see the story through – I really love Selkie. Thank you so much!
Ambulances don’t PREVENT accidents, Lillian. They RESPOND to accidents. That’s why they’re called First Responders. Though they do try to prevent causing MORE accidents on their way there.
You know, Lillian is growing on me, especially with the last two panels in this strip.