Think of it as similar to an electric current. The circuitry of the original hair clip has two diodes for collecting the energy (resonance) that feeds into a series of components including a battery, a series of capacitors, resistors, a memory chip for the message, a projector for the message and a potentiometer to adjust the level of dampening. The fact that this level technology was developed at the scale it’s at is a credit to Plo Quar’s technical prowess. Typically that level of multilayer circuitry requires CAD assistance to develop.
So yes, I don’t know how the green stuff works.
Think of it as similar to an electric current. The circuitry of the original hair clip has two diodes for collecting the energy (resonance) that feeds into a series of components including a battery, a series of capacitors, resistors, a memory chip for the message, a projector for the message and a potentiometer to adjust the level of dampening. The fact that this level technology was developed at the scale it’s at is a credit to Plo Quar’s technical prowess. Typically that level of multilayer circuitry requires CAD assistance to develop.