I’m really sorry for this everyone, but I’m having computer problems and can’t boot it up right now, and couldn’t draw today’s comic as a result. Comics will return once it’s fixed. 🙁

Drew this with my fat-finger in a iPhone app called Procreate.


-EDIT- Computer’s back up and running! Had to do a repair install to fix my boot record and need to reinstall all my programs, but my files (including my Selkie and Sue and Kathryn comics) are all safe and sound and a couple scans have shown me virus free. 😀

I also received a very cute fan-art from my good friend Jade Griffin that was meant as a filler update, but given the time in the evening I’m going to share it on Monday instead. Suspense!

Thank you all for the understanding and well-wishes. I’ma get back to work, now. >:D

Today's edition of the Secret Commentary is empty, because Dave failed to come up with something for it.