Start of a new arc today. Also, bannister sliding can lead to a broken coccyx, so do not imitate this. -EDIT- Re-did the background in the last panel. Bit more perspective-y now.
Took me two and a half years to portray the month of August. Lets see how September fares.
Happy Fishmas, er, Christmas everyone! (If you missed yesterday’s comic, I posted a regular story comic yesterday. This is a Christmas bonus strip. :D)
Happy Christmas Eve, to all who celebrate it. I know I said last week I’d have a bonus one-shot Christmas comic today, but I’m afraid I couldn’t get it finished for today. So I’ll finish it tonight and post it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There may be more shoes stabbed into drywall in the future.
This weekend will feature a bonus Sketch Day on Saturday. I completely love playing League of Legend’s new champion, Vi, so I am going to revive my “Selkie Characters as League Champions” sketch series because Andi is such a ridiculously[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I have a tidbit of background development info I've been meaning to share for awhile now, and since it pertains to Alexis this may be my last chance for the info to be relevant. XD One of my first Webcomic attempts was a sci-fi/superhero story that I've had running through my head since high school (I can't link to it because the website went down and I lost the source files and drawings years ago. It's for the best as they were terrible, although one day I'd like to try it again). The story took place five years after an alien invasion and featured four humans tasked to save the world: Rita, Russell, Mari, and Leon (Russell's eleven year old son). As a personal joke/nod, I lifted the character designs for three of those characters to become Selkie characters (albiet with different names and personalities). Rita was actually split into two characters: Her general look was used for Marta, but her skin tone and hair color palettes were used for Mary (the orphanage staff member who first interviewed Todd). So if you palette-swap Mary's skin and hair colors onto Marta, you have Rita. Before the alien invasion, Rita was an automotive engineering student, a trait I chose to preserve with Marta. Leon's design was used for Ricky (one of the orphanage boys picking on Selkie near the beginning). A slight difference between them is Leon has green eyes, but I gave Ricky grey ones. Also, Leon is a "gentle soul" type of character, while Ricky is a bit rougher and wilder and more jock-y. And Mari became Alexis, which is probably the biggest personality overhaul of the bunch. Mari was a caustic venom-tongued lone-wolf who was smart and ruthless and not much of a people-person. Alexis is kind of a lazy sponge. XD I have yet to figure out a place to incorporate Russell's character design, but you'll know him when you see him; he is a large-framed redhead with an Alabama accent. Oh, and I almost forgot this, but Jessie's hair stripes come from this same story. One character was a cyborg human race traitor working with the enemy aliens. Her bright blue hair stripes are the only thing she and Jessie have in common. XD If I ever revive this story it'd be fun to see how many "Selkie did it first!" moments people can find.
The Voice of Command is a powerful tool, not to be used lightly. Mina. – – – – – The Sandy Hook Massacre has been on my mind and in my conversations this entire past weekend. If I have any[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I don't know enough details about Dune to make a Bene Gesserit punchline, but the temptation was there. (Never read the books, and I only know the phrase Bene Gesserit from a PVP Online strip.)
Two things. Firstly, the watercolor print I mentioned on Monday is ready to go! Not sure I can promise Christmas delivery this close to the day, but I will ship any orders as quickly as I can. Secondly, I received[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
The episode title is "Terror at 1600". Through an implausible series of events, Sue (a zombie) is invited to serve as head chef for a dinner at the White House. It's not one of the show's best episodes.
Got a few new toys to share today. Firstly, I created a Selkie facebook page for those that wish to discuss, share, like, and congregate on Facebook. If people wish, I could also use this page as an alternative point[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Extended Mina dialogue I didn't have room for, for those that like this sort of thing: "I probably shouldn't tell you this, but... well, I believe her story. Plus, she's young, and new, and inexperienced. An incident like this, even if not directly her fault, could destroy her career before it even starts. So, I'm... covering it up... on the condition that she is no longer allowed to take work home."
I hate giving you guys one of my Glaring White Eyesore pages, but due to some video driver problems that crashed my Photoshop and forced me to re-do big chunks of my outlining (twice!), I gotta get to bed and[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
I had some trouble with the second-to-last panel's dialogue. Jessie was going to offer to stream Sue and Kathryn on her laptop for Selkie, but my dialog involved her mentioning that she has a webTV account and could pull up the station's website for her to watch. I was trying to simplify the dialogue when I realized.... just put a damn TV in the lounge. Bam.